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Author Topic: Toradora Review (Anime)  (Read 1392 times)

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Toradora Review (Anime)
« on: October 21, 2016, 02:17:01 AM »
I watch a little too much anime on my spare time >.>
In any case, here's my suggestion this time around. ToraDora, a romance anime, full of humor, bright vivid characters, that are also very two sided. In terms of anime that is very realistic, to a degree toradora is like Evangeleon, it understands people very well, and in that sense Toradora is the same. In a way I feel like this captures something Nise Koi loses due to constant extensions.
The main character's name is Takatsu Ryuji, a regular high schooler who looks like a bully. (His eyes make him look really cold and mean.) However on the inside, he's an OCD character that cooks at home for his mother and loves cleaning his house. HE loves a girl named Kushieda a tomboyish sports loving girl who is very strange who is a best friend a girl named Aisaka. He meets with  Aisaka who likes his best friend Kitamura. The two work with each other to hook each other up with their best friends.

As simple as that sounds, they have a hard time getting things to line up. From breaking friend ships to trying to help each other out only to find another problem. It plays a lot on the way people will try to help their friend, by going through a lot of pain by themselves. I guess I can say. The first few episodes are very well paced and I think it sets a good pacing. Then after that it slows down a bit. Then quickly picks up again around the anime's golden moments (which I consider the last half of the anime.) If ya like psychological animes, comedy, and mainly romance, you'll like this.
It's about 24 episodes long, and I certainly suggest this one.
  • Avatar by: Setsuna Damius
My name is Ori.

I am totally not trying to impersonate Edward Scissorhands. Who is that anyway?
Also I am humming this is Halloween.
Also John Cena Memes don't die. (John Cena theme blares in background)


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