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Author Topic: The Mercy Of The Living  (Read 1346 times)

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The Mercy Of The Living
« on: October 31, 2016, 01:32:01 AM »

One week ago, the world had changed for ever. A virus swept across the Russian Siberian tundra, infecting people and changing them. Some died, but they didn't stay dead for long. The dead came back and began walking among the living, killing and eating the living. It spread all the way into the main cities of Russia. The Russian government tried containing it but it spread across Europe then the rest of the world.

The United States government tried stopping it, but it just couldn't be stopped.

December 7th 2016


*You can't instantly have a gun and be decked out with full juggernaut armor and that stuff
*This RP will move in a chapter format
*No godmodding
*Act like you're in a survival situation. Don't be unrealistic
*You can't have power AT ALL
*Romance is allowed, just keep it PG no doing the do
*Keep gore limited


Former Occupation:
Weapon: (One melee weapon only)

My Template

Name: Bailey Stowe
Age: 28
Species: Bearded Vulture
Gender: Male
Clothing: Zipped Up Dark Green Parka, Grey Sweater Underneath, Dark Red Scarf Covering Lower Part Of Mouth, Brown Ushanka , Brown Cargo Pants, Black Snow Boots
Former Occupation: Unoccupied
Weapon: Baseball Bat
Extra: Good, Kind Heartened and Protective
Bio: *I'll fill out later*

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The Mercy Of The Living
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 01:33:24 AM »
Name: Zaida Valdis

Age: 26 (May appear younger)

Species: Monster

Gender: Female


Weapons: Machete

« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 02:39:20 AM by Zaida »

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Re: The Mercy Of The Living
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2016, 05:57:45 AM »
Name: Geoffrey

Age: 20

Species: Bear

Gender: Male

Clothing: All black winter clothes aside from grey scarf, grey sweater.

Weapons: Pocket knife and wood axe

Bio: *may fill out later*


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