This is what I wrote on facebook and I think it is applicable here
Trump wins and I'm down $20
, but in all seriousness I think a lot of people are not understanding why people voted for trump. Like a lot of people go that people who voted trump are racist, that they're sexist and what-not, I disagree, sure in the Red states I would believe this might be the case (they would vote for the republican nominee whomever he was) but for the swing states it was something different.
Trump had one thing going for them, that it he was the one to bring about change, to get rid of the corrupt "olden-day" of politics and create a new era, people wanted a new era, so much so that they'd be willing to vote in someone that they disagreed with fundamentally just to shake up the system, just to get a change the political system.
All the democratic party had to do was be hated less than trump, they didn't need people to like them, they just needed to be hated less than trump. Hilary, with the FBI scandle and the wikileaks about her, as well as her foundation being accused as a front for political donations. She represented the old days of politics, the general corrupt politician, and people hated it, more than they hated trump. If Bernie was the presidential nominee, the democrats probably would have won.
Trump isn't going to destroy the world, he isn't going to be absolutely terrible, he'll be similar to a Tony Abbott I think. But I do want to say one thing, Trump shaking up the system, voting for trump for that reason, it relies on a lot going right, maybe some people don't care if it goes right, as long as it changes. I want to say that you are probably going to be wrong, to believe that Trump will change the system, that trump isn't corrupt or isn't going to be a standard politician, I think you are wrong. I think what he's been telling you, the atmosphere he has given off, I think it's wrong, I think he's been lying to you, to all of us, this entire time. We'll see if that guess is true.