Trots into the town, staying mostly in alleys and shadows, nose in the air reading the scents. The wet, melting snow and the salt used on the roads covered some of the older, weaker scents, leaving the newest ones easily followed.
Several seemed to cross paths, and once I came across a dragon quietly sleeping under a rapidly melting pile of snow, with the snow around him all pulled in on him. Nearing the center of town I come across a park, and the many scents all seem to converge there. I continue into the park cautiously, still using the trees and shadows, not knowing how a wolf of my size and nature would be received...
I still and watch several humorous (to me) things happen, then feel bad as I realize some of the furs I'm watching don't care to be wet and cold. I shake to both fluff my coat and to shed a little of the accumulated water, even though it doesn't really bother me due to my dual coat..
I stand waiting, for what I'm not sure, I just know that I should be here...