Sailor bleated loudly with suprise and fear as Lacar roughly grabbed her shirt. She tried to skip back, but he had a firm hold on her, so all she could do was look at his angered face and his many teeth. She swallowed timidly, feeling tears prick at the edge of one eye. She was always quick to start crying- as a sheep, she was incredibly submissive and wary. She screwed her eyes shut for a moment, determined not to let the tears flow. Slowly opening her eyes again, she matched his gaze once more. She was not gonna loose this fight. She knew that she would be able to make him apologize- he wasn't one of those real jerks who would knock her unconscious that would refuse to ever do as she said. "Apologize." She repeated once more, quietly and cooly, although he voice wavered slightly. She bit her lip, and stood stock still, tensly waiting for his reaction.