Well, Hello there there! although I've around the Fandom for a while now, I'm new to it too, like, err... Find out together?
Here's a few hint I can give you
You can have multiple Fursonas, but need a main one, you can create as many as you want, for many different reasons, you don't need many a Fursuit for all of them, just the primary one
there are many websites that sell Fursuit, I can't tell about overseas, but you can also look at a garment factory or any kind of costume store or a freelancer seattle or ask the mascot on a free entrance basketball game, but regardless, they can be very expansive
Be nice never hurts, you'll find that a Friendly Furry finds fantasic (and word that means "reward" starting with "F")
there's something else to tell you, but not here.... check your Inbox later