I am planning to make a fursuit out of an interesting character that I own. I have been holding this up for ages, even though I have more than enough money. So this is the character:
http://euharmonics.deviantart.com/art/Euharmonics-Heartache-Reference-Sheet-685588357He's some sort of canine monster thing.
The reference is slightly outdated. I want his tail, ear fur, arm fur and back-of-leg fur to be longer. I'm talking at least 1ft long, I think it would be real cool if he had fur parts that are just majestic and long as heck, especially when dancing.
Also, notice his small claw hands. I honestly don't know why I did that, it just looked awesome. I've already got that done, and I am so excited to show everybody sometime
Only problem is, how do I achieve this?
I have ordered fur samples and all of them have piles that are not long enough; It would not be as noticable and just make his arms look plain fat.
NFT fur? No, that would be wallet destruction. Besides, it's still not long enough for my liking xd
So how would I achieve this?
With a wig.
That's right.
Only problem?
I have no experience with wigs.
I bought a 80 cm wig a while ago for really cheap on Ebay and very good quality
Would this be a good idea or not?
I'm thinking of buying like, 10 wigs, Then planning and cutting out the sections, and applying them to the area I need.
This sounds like the best idea to me, unless someone else has other ideas.
Only thing I am worried about is how long it would last. Does it do well to dragging around? Do the fibres shed a lot?