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Author Topic: The Badlands [OPEN]  (Read 16379 times)

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The Badlands [OPEN]
« on: December 18, 2016, 04:46:47 AM »
"We are a community"

It's been years. America has been relatively abandoned, except for one megacity called Pride. Pride is run mainly by rich lions and tigers, although there are others among them. Anyone may live there, although if you aren't rich, it isn't preferable. There are a couple of villages on the outskirts of Pride, although they are tightly patrolled by Pride soldiers, and have very poor conditions. Finding a job in Pride is usually your best bet.

However, the laws in Pride are extremely strict, and even a slight mishap can result in execution. Those who are just casual citizens are unaware of the punishments, and don't know what hits them, until it hits. Illegal acts consist of: Art unauthorized by the government, Songs unauthorized by the government, Writing unauthorized by the government, Owning weaponry, Having more than 3 offspring, along with many other unfair laws. Similar to that of the Capitol in the Hunger Games, the citizens are snobby and expect to be waited on. They're very eccentric as well.

Although most people live in Pride or the villages on the outskirts, there is also a clan of those who defy. They are called the New. The New usually wear dark colors, although they can wear many colors. No specific species dominates, and illegal activities are common. Most people in this group are around 20-25. The Pride government has no knowledge of the New.

Who will you be? A rebel in the New, a worker from one of the villages, or a posh citizen of Pride
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 10:50:54 PM by Cana »
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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2017, 01:46:05 AM »
The clinking of metallic balls could be heard for miles as Richard his clackers together. He looked over at the city of pride in the distance, admiring it's beauty, but then frowning in disgust after thinking about all the snobby lions that lived there. He liked this life, robbing markets and causing chaos, it was probably more fun than what those people up there were doing
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 01:48:22 AM by Rick »

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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2017, 06:16:56 PM »
In the distance where the red and white cloud dome where Felicity and her pod lay, suddenly dissipated and a small metallic pod became fully visible to all around that could see it, and out of the pod, Felicity slowly stepped out, but unless you had a pair of binoculars or something similar, you would only see a white blob of light stepping out of the pod.

Felicity slowly stepped out of her pod and looked around and seemed scared that the cloud had gone away, but she couldn't help it; her pod had run out of power for her to siphon off and she needed some form of food that she could eat....

In the near distance, she saw a village, it was far, but she had no other choice, so she started to run towards it.
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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2017, 05:46:09 PM »
Richard decided to move into town, clinking still.

He walked, the sand getting between his feet, making him slightly angry

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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2017, 06:21:48 PM »
[Yama would be out hunting, searching for feral rabbits to make a stew for her and her family. She gripped her spear in her paws, sweating, the heat getting to her long double coat which was coated in dust.]

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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2017, 02:02:11 AM »
Coming from the wilderness, Ibi was rather unfamiliar with laws. Her tendencies to travel were hampered by a growing belly, and she knew she would have to find a place to stay for the time being. It took weeks, but she had found herself on the border of a city, holding a long coat over her head to protect her from the harsh summer sun. She hadn't always lived here, migrating from across the Atlantic, but it was a pleasant change, until everything had gone completely and utterly into ruin. That meant she couldn't get home, but it didn't really matter, because she had other priorities now.

Starving and mostly alone, Ibi was five months pregnant, stuck in her female form after a failed relationship. The cause of the failure: her partner had been abducted overnight. Male foxes were popular up towards Canada, or at least where the border used to be, as they were resilient and loyal (only after excessive torture and brainwashing, but in the shredded remains of society, some are willing to sacrifice many to get what they want). Ibi had escaped, but she hadn't realised the magnitude of her problems until she started noticing a swell. It was the little one that drove her to push on, but she was still more than capable, and no matter how many laws she broke, no police officer seemed to be able to stop her. She either manipulated her way out or fought her way out, and both ways ended well for her and less well for the officers.

Finding her way into what appeared to be an abandoned house, Ibi left the door open behind her. It was far less conspicuous to leave it like that, as looting and theft was apparently far more common in this part of the neglected outskirts. She only hoped there was food nearby...
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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2018, 04:39:23 PM »
*a fox man had his hands dug deep into his pockets, he was wandering around the city*
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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2018, 04:45:55 AM »
What the pride also didn't know, was that their draconian ambassadar was a inside working for the New. His next target: Sabatoge the military mobilization efforts.
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Re: The Badlands [OPEN]
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2019, 06:45:15 AM »
Nikolai wasn't from America initially but he found his way to a village near the megacity in an attempt to get away from the trouble of the motherland, he had decided to lay low as he figured it was best not to draw attention to himself, so he primarily stuck to alleyways or abandoned buildings as he had no money to really live anywhere


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