Felicity sat inside Ray's head, the rest of her body wiggling in until there was no trace of her outside him, "I suppose so... but I read about a recent building that was built... the security is shit, so we should be able to get in quickly... also, on the desk over there, a gauntlet should be sitting there... grab it and put it on.", the gauntlet had a shiny chrome finish, and it beaded the same patterns as Felicity's fur, "It's a modified power glove... thing used to be a game controller or something... one of the limited edition ones too! Anyhow, I've augmented it to control minor vehicles and make them drive forward or backward... it can only control 2 small machines or 1 large one at a time, so be wary of your choices."
Raz sat there mortified as he saw the blood spill, making him expel vomit onto the window, making the one way mirror become clear like a pane of glass.