Halei-Helai, how long did you train on the violin?
I'd say Samuel Barber certainly counts, so many great composers are in the 20th century, and heck even today there's people composing amazing symphonies and such that aren't necessarily following all of the same styles and rules from the classical / romantic periods, but that's how music develops and changes over time. (I would go deep into the transition from Medieval to Baroque styles but I'm not about to put any of you through that)
Barber has some amazing and hauntingly beautiful pieces. Have you ever listened to his Toccata Festiva, Op. 36?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vqksQm8gZsBach's Toccata is definitely everywhere, and a lot of people seem to just listen to the very beginning and write it off as one of those little snippets you hear in old vampire movies or something, but it's popular for a reason.
Sorry for such a long response haha