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Author Topic: SPACE??!!!  (Read 1275 times)

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Offline Oceanic815

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« on: February 04, 2017, 07:47:15 AM »
Hey all,

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve hosted an RP.  And boy, was that an experience.  One hell of an experience.  For anybody curious (yes, that is rather presumptuous of me, thank you) here’s the links to the last RP I hosted - (OOC Thread) (IC Thread)
Anyways, I’ve been looking to start a new one for a little while.  After picking up a book at a Con about Life on Mars, and for my overall great love of space, I’ve decided that I’d like to start up a Mars-based RP.
It would go something like this – six separate furs depart from Earth at the beginning of the story.  But here’s the catch – it’s for good.  They’ll be both the first to live on Mars, and, eventually, the first to die there. (From old age, they hope).  The idea is based off a real-world initiative with the same objective -
The story will be something along the lines of The Martian meets . . . well, I don’t know an equivalent story, but much of it will be centered on the drama and weight of leaving behind everything you know on Earth permanently, along with some other space-y antics as they make their several month journey to Mars, and then land on the red planet.
SO, I’m looking for several willing participants!  Five, specifically, in addition to myself.  I’ll ask that you post interest here first, and then later, I’ll ask each interested participant for a link to some writing they’ve done in the past, whether here on this forum or otherwise.  This is not going to be a casual RP, so I’m looking for writers and character-developers who can help us write something good.  Your writing should have dramatic potential and be more than a couple sentences.  I’ll read over all the entries and choose our participants from that.
So if this interests anybody, please, let me know!  I hope to get some good members in on this.
~ Mark ~
Side note: If you see this and are thinking “I don’t know if I’m good enough”, chances are that you are, and that I’ve either made this sound too daunting, you have low self-esteem in your writing (don’t we all . . .), or both.  But as long as you can follow the basic rules of the English language and understand drama a little, we should get along fine!  So submit, please! – the worst that can happen is that I tell you no.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 06:26:45 PM by Oceanic815 »
For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love.

Offline AlexLion

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Re: Seeking Interest in Space-based Small Group Serious RP
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2017, 01:02:39 PM »
Good thing I've read your side note before leaving!

Weeeell, I reckon I'd drop off should you find more able writers, but if anything -- I love classic Sci-Fi settings like Space, Other planets, and all that can happen there. I like writing, but all of my older rps (2003-2005) are gone due to DEAD forums, and most of it was in.. some other language anyways.

So, sitrep: My English is sloppy, I hardly played any long term rps in the last few years, but I'll definitely try my best and I know how to find stuff to write about even when there's nothing going on. In space, someone may hear my roar.

Your turn? I guess?


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