Basically this is a fantasy medievel roleplay. Kind of like Dungeons and Dragons only better =3.
Here are the rules...
1.  No switching classes after you have chosen
2.  No instant death attacks....
3.  You can die if you have a druid they can revive you (if they want) if not you will be teleported to the nearest town.
4  You can attack each other or you can fight together, clans are allowed
5.  I am the game master, you can control your character I'll just control what you encounter.
6.  All classes will start off level one with the most basic of weapons and armor  ( you will be able to level up after doing so much.
7.  Hopefully that is all the rules.  I will post more if I see fit.
oh yeah if anyone says this is just like runescape god forbid it you had better start running.... :twitch:
Next post will have more information.
Posted on: January 03, 2008, 11:55:25 PM
Here are the classes
Warrior - uses swords and other basic slash and smash weapons, can wear plate armor
---Special Ability:  Able to go into a state of rage and do more damage then before
Mage - uses staffs and the arcane arts,  can wear robes
---Special Ability:  Able to summon a elemental creature
Necromancer - uses staffs and daggers uses dark arts to summon undead minions, can wear robes
---Special Ability:  Able to summon a undead hero
Archer - uses bows, crossbows, and shortswords,  can wear chainmail and leather
---Special Ability: able to shoot a magic fire arrows for a brief amount of time
Druid -  uses maces, uses magic to heal and revive allies,  can wear robes.                ÂÂÂ
---Special Ability: able to summon a Ent ( living tree ) to fight alongside
Theif - uses daggers and is able to remain invisible for a short period of time,  can wear leather ÂÂÂ
---Special Ability: able to get more things from fallen enemies
all classes will start off level one and starts with the most basic of each weapon and armor ( ex. warrior = iron armor )
You can be assigned to quests and will be rewarded if completed
Your actions can affect the outcome. So don't always go killing sometimes other ways are possible.
Just post your name and class and we will start from there