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Author Topic: What fictinol ship whould you captain and why  (Read 2740 times)

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Re: What fictinol ship whould you captain and why
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2017, 03:23:34 PM »
Mandalorian Keldabe because it's big, it's mean, it's heavily armed, armored, and shielded, and meant for combat. This thing could go toe-to-toe with a Star Destroyer and win.
Keldabes are excellent, although they technically aren't Mandalorian, they were just manufactured by Mandal Hypernautics

As for me? I'll take a Mandalorian Kandosii class dreadnaught. It not only is made for space combat, it also holds a ton of ground forces, ready to conquer more systems for Mandalore! Or you can just nuke the shit out of a planet that's too hard to take  0:)

True, but by modern standards, the Kandosii isn't that large anymore. Sure you could fix that by up-sizing the hull, but still. The Kandosii is a nice ship, but I prefer the feel of the more modern Keldabe.

Now, if I could go with a costom design... I'd go with either my Marauder Corps Marauder-class Star Dreadnought, or - for a more Star Wars feel - my Merger Star Wars Design, the Predator-class Warship. It's a merger design of four classes of Star Destroyer - combining traits of the Interdictor Cruiser, the Imperator Star Destroyer, the Harrower Star Destroyer, and the Victory Cruiser.

Dammit, now I wanna show it off. Anyone wanna see it?
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Re: What fictinol ship whould you captain and why
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2017, 02:50:43 AM »
My second choice whould be the covenant cso class supercarrier
Its much larger than the UNSC infinity and can mount a major offensive
With its abbility to carry 10 scarab heavy assault tanks and supporting every ground troop avalible to the covenant
But it has a few to many weaknesses for my liking with a thin neck you can easily cut its throat with a few well placed MAC shots from the UNSC infinity or you chould place a slip space bomb and decapitate the bow of the ship
Rendering it imobile and inefective

Offline Jenac Azaela

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Re: What fictinol ship whould you captain and why
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2017, 02:39:48 PM »
As much as I despise the temperature measurement Fahrenheit, that is the name of the ship I would captain.
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