Hi I'm crustybread5/buggutz/Laura. I'm 16, from the UK (Southwest England), I like female-fronted heavy metal, art, all aspects of science (maths, physics, chemistry and biology), I like lots of things to do with artificial intelligence, biotechnology, space exploration, computers and internet. Phew. I'm either a purple neko (<---) or a thingymabobdodah (see the art board for an image). I currently work as a graphics designer and general designer for Jancor Network. Personality wise I've been compaired to Artemis Fowl and a crazy scientist. I get random obsessions with things, at the moment it's fibonacci numbers and terrafomation of planets. So if you know anything about it feel free to PM me. I am also a moderator here, I can be strict but am generally nice if you behave
