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Author Topic: Woof-crafts and stuff.  (Read 1704 times)

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Woof-crafts and stuff.
« on: August 29, 2017, 08:30:51 PM »
Been kinda split on where to put this. Still isn't sure if this is the right board. But it does seem the most fitting at least to me. If any mod feel the thread is wrongly placed, feel free to move it!

So, I recently started studying. It's various crafting/sewing related things.
For now, it mostly focuses on various techniques for printing on/dyeing fabric.
Figured I could share some of the stuff I've made here.
Nothing too impressive or interesting or even particularly furry-related (except for some sneaky pawprints and animal patterns), but I imagine starting and keeping a thread like this could work as a helpful tool for me to kinda go over what I've learned and make notes and stuff.

These are the first things I made:

The black and purple pattern on the fabric to the right (as well as the black tree-looking shapes on the left piece) was made with cut up pieces of broccoli.
The task was to make patterns with various cut-up fruits/vegetables/plants. Turned out ok.

Close-up of the purple blotch from the top of the left piece of fabric.
It's actually laying evenly on the desk. It looks the way it does due to the technique used when dyeing.
For this, a certain kind of dye was added, then I folded the fabric and left it to dry.
The more light that got onto the fabric, the darker the colour.
The folds therefore ended up creating this interesting 3D-ish pattern depending on how the light (didn't) hit it.
I slightly regret not using gray or green for this, but it still looks pretty cool.
This technique is interesting in the way that you could also put objects on top of the fabric, and the covered areas would take on the shape of whatever was covering it.
Like, if you put a leaf on it, the dye would lighten under it in such a way you could see the nerves and stuff. Pretty neat.

Today, we started working with two other ways to do stuff like this: Flour paste batik and stencils.
Flour paste batik, like name implies, involves applying a paste of equal-ish parts flour and water to the fabric and letting it harden before dyeing anything.
There are many possibilities here. You can draw, write or just splash the stuff around and hope something interesting happens.
The areas under the paste will retain the original colour of the fabric, which is important to keep in mind. After the first go has dried and any dye added has dried and been set, a second turn of paste could be applied to cover different areas and create more patterns.
Seeing as the paste has to harden before the fabric can be dyed, this can be a pretty time-consuming method.
As such, we only made patterns today. The hope is that they'll be dry enough to continue working with tomorrow.

These are my creations so far:

I also started working on my stencils. Seeing as I know I suck at working with these kinds of things, I'm going for really simple shapes.

They still need to be cut out. After that, they'll be put on a piece of fabric and some colour will be added.
I do not have particularly high hopes for these poor things, seeing as they're awfully wonky and I suck at cutting things out nicely >->

That's all for now.
Hopefully someone will be bored enough to find this mildly interesting!

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Re: Woof-crafts and stuff.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2017, 10:47:02 PM »
I know nothing about textiles and stuff like that.  But this looks good.  You can start making me clothing now.  ^_^
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Offline Cheza

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Re: Woof-crafts and stuff.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2017, 07:55:48 AM »
I can't really claim I do either xP
Or, at least not yet. I'm there to learn and stuff after all.

But thanks ^^ Happy you decided to stop by.

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Re: Woof-crafts and stuff.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2017, 10:54:05 AM »
I mean, you're sharing things you made, artwork, experiments. Arty experiments. So... I think you chose the right board :P

Interesting things you've been doing, love to see more ^^
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Re: Woof-crafts and stuff.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2017, 12:16:19 PM »
That 3D effect is awesome. The leaf veins thing is crazy! Imagine the possibilities. Needs more purple.


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