Vlad nods to the weasel, handing him his weapon, leaving the weasel with two.  Vlad, walks to the back of the cockpit, with a backpack, removed from the weasel's back.  Opening it, he quickly dresses down.  A few minutes later, Vlad clears his throat, as he slips on a black beret, a Red Star in a shield on the front of it. He was clad in grey urban camoflauge.  He nods, taking back his weapon, calling over his radio.  Moments later, a human enters. ÂÂÂ
"Watch him.  I'm going out to formally introduce myself."
With that Vlad steps out into the cabin, listening as the door lock behind him.  He smirks a bit, as he passes several passengers.  Kneeling down, he pulls up the carpeting, revealing an access panel.  Opening it, it was clear it led into the cargo bay.  He jumps down, rummaging through the various items.  Finally, after a few minutes, he pops back up, carrying a metal case.  He shuts the panel, and replaces the carpet.  He calls over the human female, speaking to her, in clear english, accented with a Russian background.
"Nastasha, do you're duty..."
She leans down, listening carefully, as she cracks the combo on the case.  It clicks open.  As she opens it, she comes across a small lockbox.  Almost as quick as the first, she pops this open.  Vlad kneels down, opening the case, revealing a USB Flash Drive.  With a smirk, he closes both cases.  He stands up, calling to a flight attendant. ÂÂÂ
"Six bottles of vodka..."