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Author Topic: Interest check for Serious Space RP  (Read 1547 times)

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Interest check for Serious Space RP
« on: September 26, 2017, 07:13:59 AM »
Wanting to see if anyone would be interested in an RP like this. NOTE: The setting is basically our world but with furries, so feel free to play as a fursona, but the world has followed a very similar history to our world.

Summary: In 2035 you are part of a crew in a space station who has lost contact with earth, you are forced to survive with diminishing resources in a hostile, realistic and unforgiving environment.

Background: The world has erupted into world war 3, the sides are NATO (the National Atlantic Treaty Organization {The United States, European Union (who joins NATO officially), Australia, UK, etc}) and SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization {China, Russia, India, Pakistan, Iran, etc}). An increased reliance on satellite communication for weaponry and standard communication has caused rising investment is space warfare. Many drone satellites have been sent into low earth and geostationary orbit to attack enemy satellites and disrupt communication, but this has caused a lot of debris which has made going in and out of space difficult. As a response large command space stations housing 7-8 crew for 2 years are sent to space to act as the general command and control for these drone satellites as well as a general communication hub. A neutral space station has also been dispatched that houses people of both NATO and SCO for diplomatic relations within space warfare.

  Suddenly, the unthinkable happens and nuclear war erupts on earth, the earth is engulfed in a large cloud of dust that disrupts all communication from all the satellites and earth. The crew of the NATO Space command center are now forced to try and survive alone in space, their station due for resupply and with no way to contact or get back home they have to deal with diminishing resources, hostile SCO space combatants and the constant dread of not knowing the state of the world and their loved ones at home. To make matters worse, the neutral space station has ceased all communication.

How it'd work: Each person would be able to have 3 characters, one character would have to be part of the NATO space command crew, the other characters can be introduced later (including being a hostile SCO person or maybe a random third party). The situation would be realistic and unforgiving, I would act as both a character and as sort of a DM, some situations may be handled improperly and will lead to character deaths, if this is the case then you will be allowed to make a new character. Because I want the RP to be realistic you'd need to know a bit about physics, space stations and the like, which I would put in resources to the companion thread for the RP.

So does anyone think that sounds like a cool idea?
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Re: Interest check for Serious Space RP
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2017, 09:44:42 AM »
To be fair: it sounds like quite an interesting idea

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Re: Interest check for Serious Space RP
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2017, 12:32:46 AM »
Sounds very fun, I'd join if you wanna get it started.
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Re: Interest check for Serious Space RP
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2017, 05:08:04 PM »
Soo, you asked this on sept. 26'th, and I'm here in oct. the 13'th...

I hope am I not too late? :I

I'm interested, anyway! I RP'ed before, in a setting of the elite dangerous universe, soo a space'y thing shouldn't be too farfetched! :P


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