Looking at the She-Rat, I sniff, then sneeze sharply
"Zambie is it? I once knew a dark Shaman who had several zambie's, unpleasant things, smelled of death and dust, and other foul things... but they were only able to function on his instructions.."
I pace a loose circle around Zambie and Valentine, cutting Ray and Lightstone outside that circle, looking and scenting. I then move closer, speaking quietly and politely, seeming to inadvertently step on the hem of her 'robe' with a forepaw as I stop.
"I will be watching you, Miss Zambie.. I have not decided yet if it is my concern, but I will be watching until I know."
Having spoken I flick my forepaw kicking a bit of the dirt and detritus onto the robe, muttering to myself as I pad away to lay down closer to the fire.