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Author Topic: My Hero Academia Anthro RP  (Read 1223 times)

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My Hero Academia Anthro RP
« on: December 14, 2017, 09:50:11 PM »

Welcome heroes! As the title suggests this RP will be based off of "My Hero Academia": in the 20th century 80% of the population discovered evolutionary powers called quirks. Many anthros wanted to become heroes in order to stop villains with crazy quirks. In order to do that they needed training. That's when the UA was instituted a school specifically for young talented anthros who wanted to control and focus their powers.

We Want You!
Please find an application sample below.

Name: Liam Ward

Species: Silver Fox

Appearance: (no hero suit yet) Metro. Has long bangs, his black hair is usually woven in a bun with chopsticks. Sports a thin black hoodie, slim blue jeans, steel-toed combat boots. Brown eyes, freckles, defined slim body type. 6'2".

Quirk: Vibration.

Quirk Capability: This quirk allows him to move at unprecedented speeds.

Weakness: Has to be mobile in order to engage his quirk.

Age: 17

Skills: Has Martial Arts experience.

Origin: Father was a highly decorated Super Hero but suddenly disappeared after an epic battle. Mother was a policewoman genetically engineered to enhance others' quirks in battle which was then inherited by Liam.

Additional Info: Lacks the confidence and experience to control his quirk.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________

PLEASE READ: We only have a few open slots. FYI I will be playing teacher roles as well our first class will focus on our hero names. Applications will be accepted in the order they come. Also, I'd like to have some experienced RPers.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sincerely your classmate,
Today, an acquaintance. Tomorrow your friend. A short formality stands between us-Cloud, at your service.   

FSS Pres. and Fdr.


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