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Author Topic: I need training to become the best skullgirls player in America  (Read 13151 times)

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I need training to become the best skullgirls player in America
« on: February 06, 2018, 08:29:33 AM »
first off, I’d like to either use a GameCube controller or a ps2 controller. There’s no way in **censor** hell I can learn to play a fighting game on a keyboard (though I would be open to any keyboard control scheme suggestions. Who knows? I might use them if my controller stops working).

So, skullgirls kinda seems like a more complicated version of street fighter. There’s four different buttons to attack and many different combinations you have to press to execute specials, in conjunction with mashing the arrow keys in a specific fashion.

Not sure about tier lists. But the characters I have played are Peacock and the roadhog looking character.

As you can tell I’m a noob and could use some advice and guidance to build up to being able to play on a tournament level
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Re: I need training to become the best skullgirls player in America
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2018, 03:32:34 AM »
first off, I’d like to either use a GameCube controller or a ps2 controller. There’s no way in **censor** hell I can learn to play a fighting game on a keyboard (though I would be open to any keyboard control scheme suggestions. Who knows? I might use them if my controller stops working).

So, skullgirls kinda seems like a more complicated version of street fighter. There’s four different buttons to attack and many different combinations you have to press to execute specials, in conjunction with mashing the arrow keys in a specific fashion.

Not sure about tier lists. But the characters I have played are Peacock and the roadhog looking character.

As you can tell I’m a noob and could use some advice and guidance to build up to being able to play on a tournament level

Skullgirls is a very wild game and the only similarity it really has to SF is the fact that it is a 6 button fighter (techincally 8 button if you use the last 2 as a quickie for assist buttons). It actually has a lot of similarities of Marvel vs Capcom, specifically the 2nd one, with the creator Mike Zaimont including a ton of subtle mechanics from the way it generally plays being a fast paced tag fighter. The beauty of this game is that there really isn't a tier list that is set in stone with the many ways a player can approach the game. You aren't forced to play with a team of 3 and the way it ratios when doing 3v2, 3v1 or 2v1 is solid. 

I'd be down to play some Skullgirls with ya & help you grow as a player if you're still down! ^'w'^


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