I just want to follow up on this as well as I think it's important to get my input as the owner.
WingedZephyr covers the points really well. I have been in a similar situation myself and I found talking to people helped, I would never have publically posted but that was just my personal feelings on the matter.
A major issue we face which WingedZephyr did not bring up is that of liability. We are not professional therapists or psychologists and therefore are not in a position to be able to offer advice in a public facing manner - if our advice caused further issues then we would be liable for it and could end up in a lot of trouble. However, I will never turn away someone who needs to talk, we all need an ear to listen sometimes and a quick PM or a message on Discord and I will be more than happy to offer some advice if I can.
I'm sure there are others here who feel similar. I don't want this thread to turn into a role call but you can always reach out to a staff member if you need help, they will either offer advice, forward you to someone they feel would be better equipped or point you towards other assistance.
Our warnings are not to disregard anguish or because we don't care - although I'm sure it feels like that sometimes - but it's to keep a community that is safe for everyone. I'd love to believe everyone is honest here but I'm sure some aren't and we need to offer a safe and friendly community. Any warnings are just that, a warning, if you feel it was wrong, then please message an administrator and we can investigate further. We're not nearly as scary as we look!