Vosur Aekira ventured into the music hall, the sounds of people playing on their particular instruments halted upon his entry. "Carry on..." he clearly and just loudly enough called out for all the room to hear. There were a few 'furs' in the music hall, but only one of them had a 'wind' instrument... all the rest were percussionists.
The young bear 'fur' on the trumpet was quietly playing, having a mute attached while playing soft to the point where all of the other trumpet players were looking to him and laughing, making jokes of "Are you really playing?" and anything of the like.
The percussionist 'furs' were co-ordinating moves while playing cadences on their instruments (2 on snares, 1 on quads, 1 on marching xylophone, and 2 on mid-range bass), doing a bit of flair with their movements as they would often toss their sticks to one another, still playing while moving around. The percussionist humans were almost left behind by the amount of skill that 'furs' had, so they stuck to just playing, sometimes taking a look at the 'furs' on the same instruments as themselves and trying to mimic the movements, but obviously failing.
Vosur continued watching, taking some observations on a pad of paper with a pen. He finished what he was writing and put away the pad and pen, then venturing to the cub on trumpet. "May I talk with you for a bit?" he asked the cub, who stopped and got up to talk with the two-tailed white wolf.
The bear was noticibly shy, understandable due to the treatment of the other trumpet players around him. "May I ask that you don't use a mute for now?" The cub didn't speak, but with a few quick motions removed the mute off of his trumpet. Vosur didn't understand why he didn't speak, but didn't want to pry into that. "Care to try for first-chair position?" he smirked as he asked the cub this, whose only reply was apparent on the face of the cub that he was enthusiastic about the idea. "Alright, first off, because 'our kind' have muzzles, you have to adjust your lips on the instrument's mouthpiece to accommodate for it. From what I heard, you have more control than them, so I don't think it was necessary to tell you about the adjustment. Now, I think you may have stronger lungs than those other trumpet players, don't hold back because you may be made fun of. Relax and have fun... that's what music's all about."
Vosur walked away from the cub, who sat back down in his spot, and ventured onto the director's stand. With a militaristic call to the whole room, he brought the room to a full-standing attention in the horns-down position. "At least you know that much... I wonder what happened to the previous band director." He tapped both fists on his sides then performed the "horns-up" motion, which only the 'furs' reacted. "Geh... looks like I need to work more with this group." He did the "horns-down" and began calling out to all of those who didn't react, yelling in a "Drill Sergeant's Voice".