Sorry, just so I know when/if I request.
Do you what a front and back view of an avi?
Or just one view?
The front/back view only matters if there are things I cant really see.
As in markings on the tail that are generally important enough to need a picture of.
Just think.. any markings/things you want on the chibi, you should post a clear
enough picture of so I can make it out.
Or you could just describe what you want and I'll draw it how I picture it.
Though since the chibis are so small you can guess that a lot of things like
clothing or other little details will be simplified.
Also.. they're pretty easy.. so as I said, you can just describe your fursona
basically and I'll do it. I think it'll be really hard to mess it up enough to make it
not look cute. xD
Here's all I need:
Name you want on it if you want a name on it at all:
Anime mouth style:
Pose: (Pick from the link I provided in the first post)
Fur color:
Belly/face fur color:
Paw color:
Tail tip/eartip color:
Headfur style/color: (Dont forget length)
Eye color:
Other: (Basic accesories/ emote bubble/ anything else you forgot)
Or if you provide a screenshot, I'd just need any markings that aren't visible,
the chibi pose/base you want me to use, the anime mouth style, and if you
want anything else added.. like an emote bubble. ^^