The time for war is upon the land. The forces of darkness rally against the holy land and it is up to you and a group of likeminded adventurers to be the wedge, and separate the enemy from these lands!
[This will be an entry level rp. I'm not terribly worried about grammar, as long as it is ledgeble and underandable.]
The group you will be fighting foe time for war is upon the land. The forces of darkness rally against the holy land and it is up to you and a group of likeminded adventurers to be the wedge, and separate the enemy from these lands!
[This will be an entry level rp. I'm not terribly worried about grammar, as long as it is ledgeble and underandable. There are many different jobs that can be filled. Ex: medics, warriors, archers ect. But battle is only half of the story, diplomacy is key as well so non fighting classes are just as necessary as sword swingers. So don't feel obligated to be a warrior type.]
The group you will be fighting for is named The Gold Knight Legion. They stand ready in the defence of this land, a sword in hand, and a blade for all those who stand against them.
Under the leadership of a mighty warrior king. Dawned in a set of very eligant full plate armor and gambason, he leads them into battle charging the enemy line, his legion right behind him.
This is a medieval setting, so sword, shield, axe, maxes, ECT. Magic isn't allowed. Your free to join, just post a character profile in this format:
Gender: (can leave out if preferred)
Height: (preferably in us foot)
Skill set :(up to F, try to be complementary with other skills, but not required)
Armor: (If any)
Gear: (try to keep it semi real ish. No world on your shoulders)
Personality and quirks: ( addictions, likes dislikes ect.)
Hope to see this take off!
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