Is it based on who you are in real life? Perhaps, a polar opposite of your personality and looks (your ideal self)? Or is it more complicated than the two provided options? Do you have any connection with the chosen animal?
For me, it's a bunny. I chose this animal because, aside from the fact it's cute as all hell
, bunnies are quick, easily scared and more on the pasive side than the other way around. I relate with this animal on a personal level, seeing how my personality is so similar to that of a rabbit. I wouldn't have it any other way.
That's not to say that people with different types of personalities than their chosen animal cannot chose that one, quite the opposite (there are a lot of pacifists who have wolf fursonas, for example), and that's why I would like to hear your stories and reasons.
What made you pick that animal/s in particular and what does that animal say about you (if anything)?