Yes, I take interest in weapons. But something that really annoys me is when people start going "X IS BETTER THAN Y AND Y IS TOTAL GARBAGE WHILE X COULD CUT THROUGH SPACE-TIME ITSELF!!!11!1!!!!ONEELEVEN!1!!" or when a politician goes on about "fully semi-automatic heat-seeking ghost guns that fire 9,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 rounds a second from 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999-round magazines".
My thoughts are, can't we just have a reasonable discussion with facts and not "X sux get y" 'No u"?
I lean towards AK-pattern rifles over the M-16 family of rifles as a personal taste. However, I will not say the M-16 family are terrible rifles. AK's have a larger round and have more stopping power, but 5.56mm has lighter recoil and is better at wounding. AK's are nose-in, rock-back mags and AR's are straight insert. AK's have a 600RPM fire rate whereas AR's range from 700-900. Does that mean one is better? No. It just means they're good at different tasks.
Same with hand-to-hand weapons and tools. A sword isn't neccesarily better as a weapon than a claw-hammer. It all depends on context.
Sorry if this is something no-one wanted to hear about, but I felt like sharing my thoughts. Let me know what you think.