*reads title* Bye, I'm busy with reading!
And welcome to the forum of course!
The drabbunnies look really cute UwU
I am glad you like it so far, and thank you! It's not an exclusively furry/anthro comic, but they play a big part in the series. If you enjoy the comic, you can subscribe to it via email, and get the weekly update sent to your inbox! It's the most convenient way to stay on top of it.
Post Merge: July 30, 2018, 08:17:16 AM
My 1 am (USA mountain time zone) wondering of the forums session paid off! I find the comic enjoyable n I WANT MOAR. Definitely gonna try to read weekly so tenks
Also yis drabbunnies r vereh cute I agrees AND WELCOM
I'm glad you like it! It's a once a week comic, so as I mentioned to Pfatschi, the best way to stay on top of it, is to sign up for the email, and it send you the update each week to your inbox so you don't forget