I'm Landryth or as my friends call me, Manu. I'm 21, born, raised and still living in the southern half of Germany, but I'm hoping to one day move to another country.
Well, I am or was part of the fandom for a few years, but to be fair, I was very reserved. Either I didn't fit in at all, or it was super toxic. At some point, I'd disconnect myself from the fandom to only hang out with the few furbuds I made along the way. Frankly, I was discontent with that and wanted to dive deeper into it, and after my recent hiatus I want to give it another shot. My Sona is new, an anthro Iguana or that's what I tried to do at least, got self-made sketches on paper but no real picture as of yet.
As for some further details about myself: I'd say I'm an avid gamer but I've gotten somewhat detached from it, only thing I really play actively right now is ESO. Music is a huge deal for me, I tend to listen to a variety of genres but I have a big weakness for metal, especially when it's epic and includes an orchestra. Otherwise, I like to draw, write and work on my own little world. Wouldn't say I'm good at discussions, don't have much of an interest in usually very heated topics.
Alrighty, guess that should do so I'll leave you with that.
See you around!