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Author Topic: foam head shape/building suggestions?  (Read 7411 times)

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Offline Calun the Bat

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foam head shape/building suggestions?
« on: August 17, 2018, 07:10:20 AM »
So I've got new suits in the works. (sort of). A suit maker is going to be doing a partial for me in the (unspecified) future, and I'm hoping to get a new, true-toony Calun suit that's got accurate colors "soon" too. Probably from the same maker? Maybe not though! Variety could be nice.

ANYWAY. With the exception of my Asriel Dreemurr cosplay-partial, I've never made an actual suit before. And for that I used a resin base to build off of.

The sona I'm going to be (hopefully) working on myself, is a bovine/buffalo/bison head. M

y question is this:

I know the basics of foam head making, I helped my brother make a Bepo head for his One Piece cosplay. (but it was sliiightly different than the typical foam fursuit head).

For something like a buffalo, bison, or otherwise bovine head, how would I go about the inside of the large space that makes up the majority of the head? (the top part... like the big 'afro' looking part on bison, or the hunched part on/above the head on Warcraft Tauren, etc...)

Should it be open inside, or should it be filled a little bit? I'm not too sure what I should do for all that space when I eventually get to it.
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Re: foam head shape/building suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 03:48:13 PM »
I'm by no means a fursuiter or some kind of crafting god but I'd imagine that having the head too 'empty' per-say might give the outside appearance to look airy and in the case of a buffalo with a lot of fur, it would look odd to say the least. Plus having something inside would keep the foam skull from collapsing in the event that any of these possible animals have heavy horns or heavy damage might occur. Obviously don't fill the head to the brim but something to make it look full, feel full and keep stable.

Hope that helps.
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Offline Calun the Bat

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Re: foam head shape/building suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 06:37:11 AM »
AA! Sorry this is so late! But thanks for your input! Yeah, that's a lot of my concern, too. I'm trying to figure out how to best shape the head, while also not adding too much weight. I'll need room inside so it gets the right size, being a larger head, but also can't be toooo big or too 'empty' like you mentioned, too. I'll need to make sure I use the right sort of material and structure with the framework to be sure it doesn't run any of those risks.

I helped my brother make a "Bepo" head for an old One Piece cosplay, and that worked pretty well. Granted it was a much easier shape, but it's a good guide. I'm just nervous, since this will require a stocky snout and a bit more shaping.

I'm by no means a fursuiter or some kind of crafting god but I'd imagine that having the head too 'empty' per-say might give the outside appearance to look airy and in the case of a buffalo with a lot of fur, it would look odd to say the least. Plus having something inside would keep the foam skull from collapsing in the event that any of these possible animals have heavy horns or heavy damage might occur. Obviously don't fill the head to the brim but something to make it look full, feel full and keep stable.

Hope that helps.
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