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Author Topic: Trying to catch-up at Midwest furfest  (Read 7410 times)

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Offline Kretesh

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Trying to catch-up at Midwest furfest
« on: September 16, 2018, 01:38:42 AM »
I'm going for a shot in the dark here with this, but I'm trying to reconnect with 2 girls from last year who threw an amazing after con party. I don't remember their names and i had to create a new facebook account and haven't been able to find them again. I'm hopeing that they're coming again. I only remember that one had a sona of a Lynx and the others was real colorful k9 <REMOVED>. Not alot to go off of but again this is a shot in the dark. If your on here or may know who i'm talking about let me know.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 10:14:00 AM by anoni, Reason: Do not post sexual content »


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