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Author Topic: HellEye's game shenanigans  (Read 11620 times)

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Offline HellEye

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HellEye's game shenanigans
« on: October 10, 2018, 07:47:07 PM »
So, I thought I'll make this to maybe add some motivation for doing stuff and just to share a bunch of random nonsense.
Small background, I'll be making a game as my bachelor's degree project because I like games. So I basically have 1.5 years to learn Game Dev from ground up, minus learning how to code. Probably having some feedback and stuff like that could help a bit.

Well then. Without further ado, here's a java game I'm working on for about two weeks now (on and off, really a more accurate number is 20-30 hours).
Spoiler for Game gif:
(the disapearing squares are actually blinking but my recording framerate is low and gif framerate even lower)

I know, it has both standard red bricks AND spaceships with lasers! Awesome! :D
Really though, it's obviously work in progress with lots of things to change like textures and background. But so far it has somewhat functional:
Rendering with support for transparency and layers
Player and player controls, including collision detection
Shooting and customisable rectangular hitboxes
Damage and health tracking
Loading map from image
Destructible terrain with custom health values
Working animation interface in case you want your spaceship to go through all the colors of the rainbow (I should probably add that at some point)
Extra debug features and lots of expansion-ready behind the scenes stuff.

Overall I think it should be done in around a week now that I know what I'm doing.
Which means you can expect a downloadable version you can break for yourself on here in three weeks cuz there's no way this will actually be ready when I expect it to because something won't be working :P

I'll update this thread for anyone interested whenever there's a major improvement made. Next such improvement will most likely be actually adding some objective to the game, which also would mean enemies. This could take anywhere from 2 to 22 days though so don't get your hopes up. Why are you hoping for something like this in the first place anyway.

For my fellow nerds/geeks/programmers here's a GitHub repo I try to update regularly now that I started working on this more. Yes I know there's no readme. No I don't think I'll add it cuz there's nothing to read about it :P

In case that wasn't clear, no this isn't my bachelor's degree work. That'll come after I make one or two little games to at least get some feeling for game design.

Thanks for reading, do leave any feedback/ideas/pictures of foxes/criticism you might have.
Everyone seems to have it, so here's mine

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Re: HellEye's game shenanigans
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2018, 02:50:25 AM »
That looks cool to me! I want to see mooooore.
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