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Author Topic: Republic of Andrat RP  (Read 29755 times)

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2018, 11:54:10 PM »
Behind Echo and the Tabaxi, the Peacekeeper shouted in rage. "Dammit, what is this?! Support needed on Oliveri Street immediately! My systems are shutting down and the drones have gone haywire!" she yelled into her radio. Meanwhile, the drones continued to spin in place and drop canister after canister of gas to cloud the area. Their crowd-control program was designed to have them loop this same protocol until they either ran out of gas or the program was terminated by a government official, so this was bound to continue until someone caught on to what Echo had done. Her improvised hack would set off some alerts, but the confusion was likely to last for a while longer.

Although the street was so fogged that no normal citizen would be able to see, a fully-equipped Peacekeeper's visor would allow them to penetrate the gas. As Echo ran, she could hear the stomping of troops closing in on the area. It seemed like the officer back in the store had managed to rally some support. She would need to get off the main road quickly if she didn't want to be surrounded.

As the wave of laser fire lit up the alley, a sharp *ping!* noise rang out. Some of Ray's fired bolts of light seemed to hit the figure and bounce off, as if they were wearing some kind of body armor. The unruly citizen stepped fully into the light, his feet set in a defensive posture.

It was an elderly brown tomcat with gray streaking through his ragged fur, his body covered in soiled rags. Obviously a Coalfur with that kind of attire. More notable, however, was the fact that his right arm seemed to be made entirely out of a dark, metallic alloy of some sort. It looked suspiciously similar to the body armor that officers like Ray wore. In addition, the arm ended in a large cruel-looking blade rather than a hand.

"You'll find I don't go down quite so easily," the tomcat snarled, holding his cybernetic arm up in front of him like a shield. "I don't intend to just lay down for you like a good citizen."

The radio on Ray's collar crackled a response to his earlier request. "Drone response may be delayed 1212, all resources in the area are needed at Oliveri Street. We have an urgent situation with a couple of dissidents down there," it said. The tomcat grinned wickedly, hearing what the radio said from where he stood. "Looks like it's just you and me, officer," he chuckled.

The Peacekeeper sighed, his expression softening a little. "No, it's just a routine collection. The device only takes a bit of the top layer of skin," he assured Ellen. He took her paw and lowered the cylinder onto the top of her pawpad. She felt a slight scratching sensation as a small blade extended from the hole in the cylinder's bottom and cut a thin swathe of skin, then retracted back inside with the sample. The display at the cylinder's other end lit up.

The officer looked at the display, apparently not finding it very remarkable. "I see from your record here that you're working in the Civil Safety department. Better get used to these things," he said, waving the device in the air. "Government officials have to make a lot of reports, and the higher-ups always want a catalog of DNA signatures for everyone you interview," he explained.

"Alright, I'll take you to your domicile. Just give me a minute to-" he began, but was interrupted by an urgent voice issuing from the radio mounted on his collar. "Captain, we need all officers in the area to head to Oliveri Street immediately! There's been an attack by two unknown dissidents on the commercial district!" it said. The black wolf sighed yet again. "Well, it seems I'm needed. Make sure you go straight home, take no detours. If you have reason to contact me again, my designation number as an officer is 3492. Or you can ask for Captain Grimwauld." With a curt nod to Ellen, the Peacekeeper jogged off into the night to answer the call.

Dragged along, Victor would have no way of knowing what direction he and the other fur were heading. The streets were completely obscured by the massive wave of tear gas now spreading around from every drone in the area. Behind him, the Peacekeeper who had pursued him spat with rage and roared into her radio, seemingly unable to chase them.

However, they were not safe. The tromping steps of other officers echoed worryingly close to them, and as they ran every street and turn-off seemed to be filling up with Peacekeepers who were hunting them. And as any citizen knows, the armor of the Peacekeepers allows them to see through dense fog much more effectively than the unaided eye. Victor and the mysterious masked fur clutching his arm were sitting ducks if they did not find a place to hide soon.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2018, 12:05:06 AM »
Echo keeps on, knowing a less prepared fur, like her new friend, would have no chance. She goes straight to an open manhole she left for her escape. She had chosen her base of operations specifically to be accessible by sewer from most of the city, and it would take them a little bit to clear the main streets well enough to send a subterranean search team. As she jumped down, she didn’t bother to inform the Tabaxi that they were going down, and to him, blind in the fog, it would feel like the ground simply drops out from under him. She lets him go as he drops into the sewage to hang by the edge and pull the cover back over them, leaving no evidence of their escape. Having saved the the Tabaxi to her satisfaction, and he should be able to see now, she starts heading home, using her strange, long arms to swing on the ceiling instead of wading through the gross liquid.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2018, 01:19:03 AM »
Ray smirked, shouldered his rifle and drew a collapsing, electrified baton from his utility belt. "You do know that attacking an officer is a life sentence. Your family, however, will be executed for your transgression. Give up now, and I'll drop the charges." Rolling his wrist, the baton extended to about a foot and a half, sparking briefly as the stun-pack came to life. 

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2018, 01:28:07 PM »
"Okay, good luck!" -Ellen innocently called back at the peacekeeper as he jogged off to fight the bad guys...

Nice bloke... She thought to herself as she strode off towards her appartement, happy that, in the fear of the moment, she managed to resist the urge to exploit his weakness of having opened his helmet visor.

Perhaps the city itself wasn't so bad after all...

But oh well. Time to get out of here...

The entrance of the appartement building would be around the corner. Knowing Foster's wealth he would've arranged a well sufficient stay for his darling. But, she hoped that her predecessor didn't make too much of a mess for her.

Despite the clear amount of work she would have ahead of her, she looked forward to it. To finally getting settled down after what happened back in the colony. Getting some stability back in her life. And maybe even a strong foothold to grow and climb up to however high this stupid genetic caste thing would let her.

But after the brief moment of fantasizing about the things that could be, she convinced herself to snap out of it and focus. She was still in unknown and dangerous territory, and there was plenty to do in the now.

She opened the entrance to the apartement building and searched for a mailbox labelled "E. Foster".

Offline Inb4Cloaker

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2018, 01:23:06 AM »
“Dios mío, esto apesta-“ The Tabaxi began to say through various coughs as he was dragged along, however he was cut short when he felt the ground give out beneath him. Within a few moments, he felt himself fall and plop into various sewage. Re-emerging from the liquid, he opened his eyes and glanced around with a startled yelp. The last few minutes of his life had been pretty exhilarating, compared to his normal day. Which, in all honesty, may not be saying much.

Now, this wasn’t the worst experience he had dealt with. It was still bad, but not the worst. New clothes and some gear maintenance and he’d be fine. As for where he was? The feline was more than a little confused.

Wiping some of the sewage from off his head, he lowered the checkered fabric he had and panted lightly, looking up towards the figure who dragged him into the situation he was in.

“Wait, who are you, where am I? Why...” His questions trailed off as they moved away into the darkness. Seeing as he was in this situation alone again, he made no attempt to follow them; the sewage would impede his movements too much for him to follow his rescuer.

Instead, the Tabaxi lifted his rifle and held it at the low ready, deciding to progress in the same direction the figure had swung off to. Perhaps there would be an exit, or another manhole he could climb back up that is near his base of operations. Overall, if he can survive this encounter, his mission would have been a pretty decent success. Going against the power of the peacekeepers was nothing to be trifled with, and living to tell the tale was always something the feline found glory in.

Proceeding down the sewer with few lights to show him the way, he did his best to maintain high morale and keep on the lookout for anything that would do him harm.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2018, 01:55:51 AM »
The dark liquid below Echo swirled and bubbled, filled with who knew what kind of foul substances. Through her extendable, metallic limbs, she could feel the vibrations caused by the pandemonium on the streets above. The thudding of boots and the grinding of treads from emergency vehicles traveled through the asphalt and cement, down the rafters that lined the sewer's ceiling. It seemed like the tabaxi she had left behind caused quite the stir.

Fortunately, the coalfur sewer workers wouldn't be here until curfew ended at 6am. Until the Peacekeepers overhead caught on to the fact that Echo had given them the slip, nobody would enter the subterranean tunnels.

At least, that should have been the case. However, further down the tunnel there was a gradual turn, and the yellow light of some kind of lamp spilled around the corner. Somebody else was down there. A distorted shadow was cast on the tunnel walls. Whoever it was jerked suddenly and turned around, as if they had heard a suspicious noise.

"Ha! Family. As if that word has any meaning nowadays. Your precious Republic has eroded the term to dust," the tomcat sneered. "I have no family. I would not be fool enough to marry and form connections that would only be used to break my spirit. You and the dictator you serve have taken our most basic of biological rights anyway. We can have no children! What would be the point?!"

He pointed the cruel blade on the end of his arm toward Ray. "I hope you know how to use that glorified cattle prod. Now...DIE!" he shouted, suddenly lunging forward and slashing at a weakpoint in Ray's armor just under his armpit.

The name "E. Foster" was displayed under the number 22. It seemed she had been assigned to apartment 22, then. That would be on the second floor of the complex.

To the right of where Ellen stood in the lobby was an office door with a stained glass window. The sign on the window read, "Building Manager's Office". Straight ahead was an elevator with a set of stainless steel doors and a staircase covered in dark green carpeting. The whole place was utilitarian and sparse, but well cleaned. A digital clockface on the wall read, "9:45 pm" in blue text.

As the masked fur who had saved Victor swung away, her arms extended to unnatural lengths to allow her to grab onto the metallic beams that crisscrossed the roof of the sewers. Whoever she was, she possessed some strange abilities.

The service lights that lined the roof of the sewers did not illuminate very much. A dark river of sludge flowed steadily by on his left, while ahead the concrete tunnel seemed to stretch away into darkness. Nobody followed him down the manhole he had climbed through, however. There was no telling how long it would take them to begin searching underground.

Eventually, he came to a rusted metal door on the side of the tunnel. There was some lettering painted onto it, but it was too difficult to read. There seemed to be no other openings in the sewer walls for a while.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2018, 02:01:10 AM »
Leaving her arms at exactly the length they are currently lest the whir of her servos moving give her away in the quiet. She swings her legs up to hang on the bars, leaving her flat against the roof of the sewer. She breathes evenly, although her instinct is to hold her breath, the quiet, even breaths would not betray her like a large exhale would. Hopefully whoever is down here will keep walking. She’s so close to safety...
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2018, 04:06:19 AM »
Ray grit his teeth and drew his arm down quickly, catching the blade just before it really dug into his flesh. He felt the hot rush of blood from the wound, and figured it would need stitches. He gave a great roar as he brought the stun-stick down on his opponent. The Peacekeeper wondered how the electrical discharge would effect the cybernetic enhancements.

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2018, 01:53:34 AM »
Eventually, the feline reached a large metal door. Looking over it, he prodded the rust with his rifle and glanced back the way he came. Seeing as there would be little to no other possible exits without doubling back, this would have to do.

Shaking his head, he wondered if his day could truthfully get any worse. Slinging his rifle over his shoulder quietly, he absentmindedly reached down into a pouch behind his back on the vest he was wearing. Tapping the fabric carefully, he was about to withdraw an item he referred to as ‘Plan E.’ Luckily it occurred to him that it may help to see if he could just open the door rather than blast his way through it. Not everything had to be solved by explosives!

Clearing his throat, the insurgent tried to read the darkened writing as his paws fumbled for the handle. Repositioning himself, he pulled on the rusted metal and hoped for the best.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2018, 05:03:54 AM »
The figure's shadow bent double and lowered itself, as if its owner had sat down. From around the tunnel's corner, a voice rang out as a second shadow joined the first on the wall.

"What is it Lou? Ya see something?" it inquired.

"Nah, thought I heard something. Must have been nothing....C'mon, sit back down will ya?" a second, deeper voice answered. In response, the second shadow distorted and bent like the first. It seemed the two had both decided to stay seated where they were. There was a clanking noise as the second stranger sat down, as if he had set something metallic down on the concrete floor of the tunnel.

The stun-stick whacked against the tomcat's cybernetic arm with a deafening crack, as Ray brought it down with the tremendous force that a Battlefur's enhanced musculature could create. Electricity sparked and dispersed up and down the black arm, issuing a series of staticy pops and crackles. The tomcat jumped back from Ray in alarm as his enhanced arm went completely limp, the motorized joints seemingly short-circuited by Ray's electrical attack.

The tomcat hissed furiously, his brown-and-gray fur standing on end as he scrabbled away from Ray to avoid another retaliatory blow. However, he seemed to be otherwise uninjured by the blow to his cybernetic limb. "So that's how you're gonna play it, huh?" he snapped angrily. He reached down quickly with his normal paw and depressed a small latch on the end of his arm. The blade he'd been wielding detached from the arm with a sharp click. He held the curved metal up defiantly with his still-functioning arm. "I'm not finished yet, you overgrown hunk of aluminum!" he shouted, boldly diving forward and trying to stick the blade up under the edge of Ray's helmet, to catch him in the throat.

The handle came off the door when Victor pulled on it, a loud *kerchunk!* echoing across the tunnel as the rusted metal snapped. The door did not appear to be locked, however the frame was incredibly warped and had rusted shut over the course of many years. It did not budge.

The writing on the door was so faded that Victor could not even make out one letter of what had once been. It was obviously archaic, as the lettering seemed to have been done in some kind of lead-based paint that had chipped and worn away due to the moisture, rather than with a more modern substance or with an electronic display. Whatever lay beyond this door had not been in use for some time now.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2018, 05:07:29 AM »
She silently curses her luck. Now we’re going to have to do this the hard way. She pulls an electronic mouse out of her bag quietly and tosses it down past her, hoping they’ll run right under her to investigate. The mouse makes a loud clang when it hits the wall and starts skittering loudly down the tunnel, broadcasting running footsteps. She prepares to run when the furs take the bait.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2018, 07:14:35 AM »
Ray quickly drew his rifle, used the helmet’s plexiglass visor to catch the blade. Unable to withstand the pinpoint pressure, the visor cracked and gave way. Ray quickly turned his head, the blade now caught between the rest of the visor and helmet. However, Ray’s rifle rested in the paw opposite of his opponent. Instead of emptying the rifle’s capacitor into his opponent, the Battlefur instead drove his armored paw into his assailant’s blade-arm. His genetic muscular superiority allowed him to not only disarm the Coalfur, but also shatter his elbow in the process. With the blade stuck in his helmet, Ray simply stepped back into the street, and removed his helmet. Blood wicked down the raccoon’s muzzle and the right side of his face. Rage filled the Battlefur, who quickly leveled his rifle at the Coalfur, and emptied the capacitor. Red light bathed the area, washing out security feeds until the firing stopped.

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2018, 03:15:26 AM »
The feline looked at the detached door handle and frowned, holding it close to his face in a somewhat dramatic fashion. Of course, what did he expect? Well, only one thing to do know. Actually, he had several other options, but blowing any obstacle in his path to dozens of pieces was much more interesting.

Swiftly withdrawing the small tan and black box from the pouch behind his back, the insurgent ensured that all the wires were still connected and the timer on the device was still functional. It was a simple creation, featuring some nearly ancient mining explosives wrapped together and wired to a sparking mechanism. He may not be good with computers or electronics, but given enough practice, he could repeat the creation of something he desired over and over again; the explosive was a testament to that.

With this, along with his rifle and a single left over Molotov being the final weapons he possessed, he weighed his options in his mind. After a few seconds of debating the use of the explosive, he reluctantly crouched down and pulled the tape from the back of it, exposing a sticky substance underneath. Firmly planting the device near the remnants of the handle he pulled off, Victor dialed a few numbers into it and locked in the timer. With the small digital screen showing a yellow triangle, the Tabaxi swiftly retreated around the corner and unslung his rifle. Awaiting the blast, he offered a small prayer to whatever higher powers there may be, checked the chamber of his rifle, and gritted his teeth.

“...Dos...Uno... Y... Boom-“
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2018, 03:44:39 AM »
After the clanging of the mouse and the fake sounds of footsteps rang out, the two shadows on the wall distorted again as the strangers around the corner stood up in surprise.

"There's definitely someone down here, Lou! Let's book it, who knows what they saw?!" the higher-pitched voice shouted in a panicked tone.

"Alright, yeah, let's go. Snuff the lamp," the lower voice commanded. The light spilling from around the tunnel's corner went off, and the sound of hurried footsteps echoed throughout the sewer as the two unknown furs sprinted off into the darkness. Echo was alone again, and the tunnel went silent as the footsteps faded away.

That is, the tunnel was silent until a deafening explosion rocked the entire sewer, waves of sonic force rippling across Echo's back. Some kind of detonation went off in the direction she had just come from, briefly lighting the tunnel up again in a brilliant flash of flame.

The tomcat collapsed, howling in pain at his shattered elbow. He rolled over on the asphalt in agony, trying to shelter himself under his malfunctioning cybernetic arm in some way. It was no use.

As Ray emptied the capacitor of his gun into the alley, every blast struck home with deadly accuracy. The tomcat's brown fur was soon singed black as he was consumed by a deadly wave of laser fire. When Ray's rifle finally clicked and could fire no more, the cat no longer even moved or squealed in protest. There was no rise and fall to his chest, no twitching of limbs, no attempt to rise off of the ground and fight again. It was clear he had been thoroughly defeated.

Just as Ray finished, a lone Overseer drone hovered onto the scene. Its red searchlight lit up the mangled cat's corpse and the haphazard scorch marks left on the surfaces of the alleyway. "RESPONDING TO CALL FOR SUPPORT. WHAT ARE YOUR ORDERS, 1212?" it asked in its detached, metallic tone.

The explosive went off violently, temporarily blinding Victor with a flash of bright light and knocking him over with a wave of force that shook the sewer around him to its foundations. Some of the cement surrounding the door was destroyed, and a great cloud of dust and rocks blew through the air around him. When the dust cloud finally settled, it seemed the metal door had been broken into three pieces and blown completely off of its hinges.

Beyond the door was a long, narrow passage. It was completely unlit, not even a single service light along the wall. The floor was damp and worn, and continued on into complete darkness. Strangely enough, the walls seemed to be old brickwork rather than the smooth cement of the rest of the tunnels. Clearly, it had been built before the more modern system and never updated.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP (Open, read sign-up thread)f she
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2018, 03:55:22 AM »
Echo loses her grip on the ceiling with a start, splashing into the sewage. She stands up quickly, but the damage is done. She’s filthy, as are all of her new clothes. She curses, knowing that she doesn’t have any way to do laundry or shower in her humble shack. She growls and decides she’s very interested in whoever made that explosion, and seeing if she can extort then for access to their shower. She grabs back onto the ceiling and starts swinging full speed towards the explosion, knowing she’ll have to catch up fast if she’s to avoid the peacekeeper presence this will definitely attract. She wipes off her tablet and pulls up a map of the sewers, clipping it to her forearm to keep her hands free.
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