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Author Topic: Republic of Andrat RP  (Read 29769 times)

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2019, 12:17:32 AM »
Echo freezes for a moment, her mind whirring like a machine. She’s going to give the Tabaxi exactly one chance to not die. If he resisted in any way, she would leave him just as fast. It’s not worth her life. But the calculations work out if she’s fast enough, and he cooperates. She popped the manhole off near silently with practiced ease and reached down to grab the Tabaxi and pull him up. “If you have any more explosives, drop them now!” She hissed quickly. Then she used her arm still held onto the edge of the manhole to sling them both out of the sewer, taking off in the direction of the coordinates the Tabaxi gave her. All the engineering in the world can’t overcome the simple drive to run, to live!
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2019, 05:35:36 AM »
“Yes sir,” Ray confirmed. “Though there were odd circumstances. This James Davenport; wasn’t he a Goldfur? The man I executed, a tomcat, was dressed as a Coalfur. Which is even more strange, this Davenport had a cybernetic limb made of a metal that deflected lasers. Unless Mr. Davenport had a strange idea of fun, I believe that there’s a larger problem, sir.”

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #62 on: February 06, 2019, 03:07:06 PM »
Excellent. No more corpses... -Ellen thought to herself as she let out a contempt sigh.

"It's allright, Dalia, I understand that you must've been busy."

"So, how's the work here then? I wonder what they're gonna let me do!" -She asked with genuine interest.

"Would you like anything to drink, by the way?

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #63 on: February 10, 2019, 11:27:08 AM »
The feline held his breath while he looked for the descending figure, slowly starting to stand as he got a better view of them. Within seconds, her heard the voice of the peacekeeper and widened his eyes. Making no attempt to raise his rifle, the Tabaxi cleared his throat and replied.

“Oh, hello. I’m a plumber recently hired to look into a blockage down here. No worries though, I seemed to have found the issue; I’m looking at a steaming pile of garbage right now.”

As if to further agitate the peacekeeper, he raised his middle finger and smiled beneath his face wrap. At this point, the feline had faith that his comrade was thinking about a plan, or had left him. His thoughts were answered as soon as he felt a sudden pull on his vest, and saw the ground vanish beneath him. Without asking any questions, the Tabaxi swiftly lit and dropped his last Molotov, as well as his final shaped charge down into the hole beach him. Laughing as the chaos began to ensue, his joy turned to pain for a brief moment upon smacking into the concrete. Groaning slightly, he clumsily staggered to his feet and held tight to his weapon, sprinting after the feline as fast as his legs could take him.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2019, 05:13:53 PM »
"You're a freeborn too, aren't you?" She paused for a while, concerned about the pup. "You can stay as long as you like. You look like you need the company." Right now, that was the one thing she could think to do. She had seen other freeborn more than once before. She wished she could give them the same chance to others, but so far... She just couldn't. The stoat has ever only been so lucky to have the means to help herself...

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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #65 on: February 28, 2019, 05:49:47 PM »
Echo makes no delay in running directly towards the coordinates that the Tabaxi gave her. She keeps an eye out for peacekeepers as she runs, hoping that her new companion would follow her. It’s dangerous to be out at this time of night.
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Re: Republic of Andrat RP
« Reply #66 on: March 03, 2019, 10:46:10 PM »
"Och, ya wee basterd!!!" -A heavy, womanly voice yelled after the Tabaxi as the fiery blaze erupted on the sewers floor. She hastily stumbled backwards to avoid being enveloped by the rapidly expanding blaze but tripped and fell, barely being saved by her partner-in-law helping her up by the means of a forcefull yank to a handle near the neck of her armor.

"Run!" The other peacekeaper called out, still tugging her along, before shortly after an explosion threw the duo back on the floor, instinctively shielding themselves from the shrapnell flying around.

"God-dammit..." The male peacekeeper said calmly as he reached for his radio.

"Dispatch, Enfield, they've left the sewers and are topside near Curies' lane!"

The almost jaw-droppingly tall female peacekeeper in full riot gear growled angrily as she heaved herself upwards and picked up her shield.

"Oh, great, I forgot. We've got no reception in this shithole." The male concluded after getting no response from dispatch.

"Well!? Waer ya waitin' faer fluffy? Les geh the heckles uut ae here!!!" -The monstrous woman yelled, full of energy, as she yanked her partner along by the arm.

"Goddammit Rhino!" -The male called out in a hobbly voice, being forced to run along.

As the duo reached the closest exit out of the sewers, they immediatly headed for the shop they were just under.


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