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Author Topic: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know  (Read 26072 times)

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Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« on: May 20, 2019, 06:12:30 PM »

What's about?

Welcome to the Galactic Society - this is the roleplay universe which unites as many other worlds as it could, based on the "DMC Marauder War" novel, written by Romulan_Furry. The current universes the GS has are Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo, and Battletech. But we're always opened for new worlds so if you think, that you have something to offer - don't hesitate and put your offer right here. The RP itself doesn't use a dice system, which means that every action of your character is entirely up to you within reasonable limits.

The way the RP works is simple: we have one big thread and several minors where events related to the GS where they are taking place. That means that this thread is a single point of your character profiles which might be as minimal as you want.

Current staff: XIII, Alessia Starfurr and Romulan_Furry

Lore info
Main headline:

Worlds: The document lists only the biggest and major places of the Galactic Society. That means, that other worlds, not listed in the document are available for you.

Current event:



Past events

Coalition Operations I: From the Ashes.
Coalition Operations II: Escape from New Colorado

Our little, cozy Discord chat:

Spoiler for Character template:
Personality (optional):
Background (optional):
Threads/events (optional):
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 05:02:03 PM by XIII »
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2019, 05:53:24 PM »
Indeed, I did authorize this thread for GS. I felt it would be a good opportunity for others to learn about GS and better determine if they want to take part.
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2019, 07:49:22 PM »
Name/Alias: Fel Dranghyr/Thirteenth/XIII
Specimen/homeworld/universe: Turian/Palaven/Mass Effect
Age: 35 y. o.
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Jericho
Physical appearance: 180 cm, 85 kg
Equipment: Phantom (CryNet) Nanosuit, SSV Normandy SR1 ship (bird-of-prey), shock rifle
Personality (optional): as the most of warlike Turians, Fel is a very closed person, who doesn't share almost anything about himself even to people he knows well. He is also might be looking grim for many people because of the Turian military descent and their past. Being a nation which is building its culture around war and survived the Sith Covenant attack, a smile on Turian face is a rare thing. The thing is that Fel is always focused on his task and doesn't like it when something goes wrong. For this reason, he always relies on his cold logic rather a weapon or his armor. However, being heavily stressed out, he can make use assistance of temporal allies. Because of his job, constant friends for Dranghyr is a thing which he has yet to try out. And the reason for such fear - a risk to lose a friend. As mentioned, he doesn't have any friends, but provided he got any, Fel will try to keep it as long as possible. And you if able to befriend with Fel, consider him as a reliable ally. He knows the price of friendship. In talks, he prefers brevity; in deeds, he seeks for motives.
Background(optional): Fel was eight years old child when the Palaven War had started. It's protracted on three years ahead, being initiated by Sith Covenant to destroy everything, which has the slightest connection with Jedi. Course, with the assistance of USNC, Turians have defeated the Covenant and pushed them back. But since Sith have bombed the planet while they were falling back, it resulted in destroying almost in the half of Palaven' population. Most of Turians were forced to move to another planet to continue their life. But it was the starting point for the young Turian into the new life. Even being a child, he was forced to fight against invaders. The skills he got during the war will help him later to become one of the DMC infiltrators and get access to the elite training program. After the war has gone from Palaven, Fel returned with his parents and helped to recover the planet. Later on, he obtained a qualification of a starship pilot with the assistance of his father. Later on, he joined the UNSC as a sector ranger, investigating crimes within systems with difficult cases. During one of such cases what involved furries, he starting hear about Star Fox Team with which one he wanted to unite his experience. Voss was the last checkpoint of his career before he joined DMC elite training program, where he passed all stages and finished the N7 program in the end. Starting from this point, he started his career as an unofficial DMC operative.
Threads/events (optional): main headline

Name: Ori Arashi (Storm)
Age: around 200 years
Species: Orokin/Orokin Empire/Warframe
Gender: female
Physical appearance: 182 cm, 70 kg, galaxy skin
Affiliation: UNSC
Attire: A warframe which is capable of controlling fire, water, air, and earth, providing good defensive and offensive opportunities. Vastly situative as it heavily depends on the environment and has limited resources (but being out of resources, still performs the role of an armor).
Equipment: Ori' warframe is the weapon itself, dealing elemental damage mostly. For dealing kinetic damage, Ori is always keeping with her the link gun and collapsible staff for better control of warframe' skills.
Personality: She is trying to be kind and friendly to all species in the world as she knows, that crimes of her nation can't be forgotten easily. Still, as an Orokin, she has a feeling of perfectionism and Ori tries to achieve it anywhere - engineering, martial arts, and so on. That and an aspiration to find decisive moments in any whatever bad situation forms her personality. She loves to make fun upon herself, turning her own mistakes into funny tales. But Ori is brave enough to stand in the face of any threat to her or friends. In combat, she is often taunting a foe.
Bio: Three hundred years ago, there was a civilization called Orokin. They were banished from the Earth for their attempts to create a competitive, self-developing artificial intelligence despite many warning from the Earth government. They were managed to achieve their goal by turning living creatures into machines called Cephalons. However, they separated themselves from the Solar system in the dimension called The Void, a small world inside a wormhole. It was destroyed one hundred and fifty years ago for their selfish, greedy goals by warframe users. And even though Ori has never been one of them, being a warframe' constructor, she turned against her race once the war against Sentients has begun. And after she helped in the wiping out Orokin, Ori has erased her memory about these events and traveled beyond her home. Hiding her real identity, she has spent ten years in Japan (Earth), in a village named Kitsune Mura, a settlement full of anthro foxes. With their assistance, Ori had helped with a criminal company named 'Mishima Zaibatsu' who year-by-year had been organizing fighting tournaments called 'The tournament of Iron Fist.' After winning one of the championships and arresting the leader of Mishima's leader, she joined the UNSC as a mercenary and helped them with varieties of activities across their controlled territories, mainly with bad environment situations and high marauding rates. Everything has changed once she met Viktor (and Spyra later) and they were the only ones, who knew Ori' real identity. Since then, Ori and Viktor never were got separated from each other, always together, no matter how difficult the challenges they faced upon.  And being aware of the crimes of her civilization, Storm tries to help the people that were victims of Orokin once. The cruelty of their experiments is still echoing through the Solar system.
Threads/events (optional): main headline, Coalition Operations III: Deception of the Iron Bear

Name/Alias: Helix
Specimen/homeworld/universe: cyborg
Age: 5 years of uptime
Gender: male
Affiliation: Space Rangers
Physical appearance: 190 cm, 130 kg. Most of Helix's corpus is made of Anti-Metal (can absorb, store, and release large amounts of kinetic energy).
Skills/powers/weaknesses: outstanding combat (namely, marksmanship and hand-to-hand fight), and piloting skills; high physical force and endurance; full immunity to toxic threats; has inbuilt vibroblades and jetpack into his suit; weaknesses to EMP, chemical weapons, and water; can be hacked and reprogrammed
Equipment: semi-auto gauss rifle which shots with 12.5mm shells and a pair of heavy pistols as sidearms. His ship is F8 Lighting heavy fighter (equipped with cloaking generator).
Personality (optional): because Helix' brains weren't fully damaged, his personality remained but changed because of Borg' experiments over his body. It can be seen during a fight, where he can show savage brutality toward foes. And this what made him pretty remarkable among the Rangers, considering that Helix is one of the best Rangers. Aside from that, he can be reliable and trusted partner, even though he might appear a little grim and rude. At least because he can't lie to anyone and has almost no emotions, including pain and fear (he just doesn't show them to anyone).
Background (optional): It was confirmed, that before Helix has become a Ranger, he was a prisoner of a private company named "Weyland Prisons Inc." (child company of Weyland-Yutani corporation). In order to get free, he has been participating in a series of death races on Mars. And in the past has been known as Frankenstein. It was one of the rules of the races to wear the mask for a winner of previous races. Instead of freedom, upon winning five times in a row as the corporation promised it, Helix agreed to become a cyborg by the corporation' offer. And earning money as a result. Helix possessed excellent skills as a pilot, so the corporation needed him and continued to use him for their enterprise needs. Unfortunately for Weyland, the UNSC had revealed death races and forced to stop under a threat of shut down the corporation activities. Having lost his job, Helix had bought a small scout ship and joined to Space Rangers as the only he could do by the given time is to kill and fight, combined with piloting skills. He was accepted just because he assisted to the UNSC in shutting down the immoral games and SR' high management thought, that Helix's decision about his imprisoning by the corporation had no firm foundation. However, in his first operation, he got kidnapped by The Borg who tried to assimilate him. Helix has allowed them to enhance his body with Anti-Metal and then triggered Starfleet to attack the Cube where he has been for a month. Being rescued, he continued his service as a Ranger.
Threads/events (optional): main headline
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 09:44:34 AM by XIII »
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2019, 08:07:22 PM »
Name/Alias:Komisar Ivan Damrosch
Specimen/homeworld/universe: Ragnosian/Ragnos Prime
Affiliation: Ragnosian Scout Fleet
Equipment: Ragnosian Officer Dress, Traditional Sabre, Revolver
Personality: Incredibly Aloof and stiff with a strong sense of what is just. This hides a suprisingly tenderhearted and humane personality that puts the health of his men over his own.
Threads/events: Arrival of Ragnosian fleet abover Coruscant

Post Merge: May 26, 2019, 09:46:09 PM
Ragnosian soldiers themselves are outclassed armor-wise. Though their body armor can protect them from small arms fire blasters and rifles can easily punch through the armor and kill the soldier wearing it. They are armed with assault rifles which match most average rifles in the realm of calibre and stopping power.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2019, 09:46:09 PM by Martin, Reason: Merged DoublePost »
Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark, guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2019, 07:58:52 PM »
Tigress Arcnon






Basic profiles some may not be complete yet due to how old this website is... Ages are also off due to age being based on when i created them and not present age...

« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 08:01:40 PM by Alessia Starfurr »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2019, 09:50:23 AM »
Character profiles

Fayam Aerial
Profession: Bounty hunter
Species: White-tailed eagle
Place of birth: Gaia
Bio: Fayam has been a bounty hunter ever since he was young. He inherited a battleship from his father, who was a soldier in the Gaian army. Starting out small, his interest rapidly grew to the worst of criminals, only going after the highest numbers on the list. He quickly amassed a fortune, despite him never actually using it because his stinginess. Unfortuantely, it also makes him a prime target for assassins.

Anita Steen
Profession: Spaceship captain
Species: Lion
Place of birth: Gaia
Bio: Anna grew up in a relatively average family. Despite this, she has always gazed up at the night sky, wishig to explore it. She worked hard to save up the money needed to get qualified as spaceship captain, and took over the Faith, a multi-purpose ship, from her previous captain. She's been flying cargo jobs since, despite occasionally getting in a fight. Now, she agreed to take a stand against the Tal Shiar on the Romulan's side.

Johnny Eclipse
Profession: Copilot
Place of birth: Gaia
Bio: Johnny grew up in a family of spacefarers. He followed suit in those footsteps, happily taking Anna's offer when he heard she needed some crew. He easily took the role of her right hand and advisor, being kind of an everyman on the ship. He didn't mind, and neither did she. These days, it's rather rare to find them separated even though they have no relationship besides workers and friends.

Zealo Naye
Profession: Gunslinger
Place of birth: Gaia
Bio: Zealo was a pretty wild and mischievous kid. He loved action and collected imitation firearms regardless of what they looked like. His choice to become a fighter was basically destined. He agreed to Anna's offer, hoping it would lead him to adventure. Sadly, fights on the Faith are few and far between, so most of the time Anna makes him do the cleaning. In his free time, he studies weapons and frequently visits shooting ranges.

Koman Lotus
Profession: Mechanic
Place of birth: Gaia
Bio: Koman had a knack for building and fixing things since forever. Nobody was surprised when he got a universal engineering degree. When he heard Anna was looking for a mechanic, he jumped right in and kept the Faith in a good shape to the best of his ability. Due to his helpful nature he doesn't mind doing odd jobs as well. In his free time he tinkers on weird and wonderful projects of his own.

Hor'kuu Ice
Profession: King
Species: Leviathan
Place of birth: Tomahawk
Bio: Hor'kuu grew up in a family of kings and took the throne by succession. He is a noble and open-hearted king, always accompanied by a grace worthy of his position. He is furious only when the need arises, though he occasionally loses control of his temper. He found his wife in Farrar during an autumn celebration and lived happily with her since. He follows the Leviathan tradition closely, and visitors are expected not to interfere with it.

Farrar Fire
Profession: Queen
Species: Leviathan
Place of birth: Tomahawk
Bio: Farrar is Hor'kuu's wife and his most trusted companion. She had to learn to behave accordingly, as she is more outgoing and more relaxed than her husband. This shimmers through even now, but it hasn't been a problem (often). She is very hard to get angry, though if she is, rest assured someone really messed up. Due to her personaltiy she does most of the royal PR, except for official matters.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 08:50:14 PM by Fayam Aerial »

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2019, 08:14:09 AM »
Dear RP'ers. We have added species list recently and started to form it. So in case, your specimen isn't there - please contact me with PM and a description of your race. Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 08:16:58 AM by XIII »
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2019, 04:09:06 AM »
***Dagon’taan Spaceport (Outer/Pirate Ship)***
(for a reference to Ura and an illustration of aura please see attached photo -art by me-)

Posted 6/13/19
This post is to inform RPers of Aura and all it’s properties and therefore is not part of the RP itself. Please refer to this post for future reference.

The concept of aura (relative to Ura Nagy) can be defined as the outward force parallel to one’s inner strength and control. This technique enables a living being to manipulate their own life force. An individual who practices aura is called an “Aura User”. Aura is volatile and therefore is heavily influenced by the emotional state and mental focus of the one who deploys it. Thus, it is extremely dangerous and endangers all whom undertake extensive training for Aura. There are four major components to Aura, and seven applications once mastered; they are as follows. Components: Envelop, Suppress, Enhance and Release. Applications: Focus, Conceal, Encircle, Enfold, Temper, Fortify and finally Flow. Ura is the only one to Master all Components and survive.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 04:10:49 AM by Cloud Titan »
Today, an acquaintance. Tomorrow your friend. A short formality stands between us-Cloud, at your service.   

FSS Pres. and Fdr.

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2019, 07:36:55 PM »
HoloNet News: the new Corneria' ally, alongside with NCC operative and a mysterious Rokhah, has successfully infiltrated the Tal Shiar outpost and retrieved a valuable Datacron, striking the shadow agency once again and weakening their influence on the planet. Thus, Lylythians (or Corneria natives) have nothing to fear for now. If anything, the Tal Shiar will run a night op, learn the Datacron is gone, and look into who would have it. But considering the concluded operation by CDF and NCC, that might happen not too soon. Sleep tight, Corneria, your citizens are safe for now. Warning: details of the operation are known only for the people who had participated in the plot. Rest of the Galaxy knows only, that Tal Shiar outpost has been revealed on Corneria and its hostages have been set free. Also, the Tal Shiar had reduced its presence due to the event.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 09:39:23 PM by XIII »
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2019, 05:54:45 PM »
The Vengu


Though they are Native to their own universe they have dealt with a staggering level of oppression ever since they where discovered by the leading empire in their universe. After many years of ramping violence and heavy tensions they staged a near galatic-wide revolution and pushed their former oppressors from their system. Forming their own goverment that shot up the hiearchy and eventually created a large microcosm which has became one of the leading figureheads in a new galaxy-wide between their faction; The Comintern and their rivals, The Unified Monarchies


Their main feature is a neo-communist attitude towards the arts, of which an incredible amount of relative freedom is given over expression. Their social views are connected to their own pre-civilization views of equality and trust. They value a sense of soft-handed authority over those they incorperate into their empire and will often passively enforce the basis' of their government on those they keep in their faction

Due to their past they have an incredibly hawkish and hostile view of nearly all Monarchies, especially those that subjugate or have a history of doing such, even if that government reformed.


Tall and Hardy corvids. About 6'5 to 6'10 on average and around 190 to 200 at their heaviest. Their native oxygen-heavy environment has a higher than average oxygen when compared to places like Earth or Coruscant but not high enough to endanger them if they don't have access to their signature rebreathers. Much like the birds of our own world they have lighy and airy bones that can break a little easier than an average humans.

New Faction

The Comintern

Though nowhere near established in this area of the universe their arrival has started a small snowball effect of tiny pockets of revolutionaries. The Comintern as a whole is a unified set of races that all share a singular ideology. They try to avoid actual wars but will fully support revolutions that they sympathize with. All Vengu arrivals work underneath this faction by default and any race may join in by way of revolution. Although an actual war-fleet has yet to enter the fray the recently-arrived scout fleet is currently lead by Komisar Damrosch.

Their military has yet to show their full-force in this region but rest assured the scout fleet is their least well-armed.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 02:01:03 PM by Blue Cordial »
Thoughts are like arrows: once released, they strike their mark, guard them well or one day you may be your own victim.

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2019, 06:49:48 PM »
@Blue Cordial, The Ragnos have been added.
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2019, 07:33:25 AM »
Name/Alias: Echo "Onryo" Teutana
Species: Oni (Ork varient)
homeworld/universe: Shadowrun Universe, Born on Cydonia-Orbital Satellite Base. Orbiting Cydonia (planet) (Shadowrun happens on Earth so I just made up something that wasn't on earth.)
Gender: Female   (Online Alias 'Onryo' has unknown gender)
Affiliation: Close connection to black market dealers and fences across the galaxy. Deepweb forums and boards that leak information. Her Alias, "Onryo", is well known in the matrix systems across the galaxy for leaking corporate info, siphoning money from corporations, and basically actively working against many corporations she has deemed 'evil.' (Which is mostly all of them..)
Physical appearance: 5 foot, 8 inches. 180 lbs. Horns that raise up the to of her head. Bluish gray skin. Echo has small fangs. She is more humanoid in appearance. She has almost glowing teal eyes. She wears a helmet that has a traditional 'oni' mask. The helmet functions as a link to her deck while she hacks and assists her in many ways.
Equipment: A deck(hacking device from her planet), lots of different guns, poison darts, dagger
Personality (optional): "Cool", happy-go-lucky, wears her heart on her sleeve, tries to act tough but she is a softy on the inside.
Background(optional): Echo was born on an orbiting space station outside of planet Cydonia. Cydonia is a corporate heavy planet with a lot of tech and metacreatures. The population on the planet is either very rich or dying in the slums. One of the hugest corporations on the planet is Renraku. They are the most prolific tech company on the planet. The satellite Echo was born on was one of theirs. Renraku kidnapped Echo's older brother to use as a test subject for their tech. She has never been able to find him.
Once old enough she traveled to Cydonia. Hacking into the matrix and causing havoc to corporations..especially Renraku. She would find her brother or find out what happened to him and she would watch that company burn. Her infamy as "Onryo" the hacker rose quite fast and with corporate soldiers on Cydonia on the look out for her she began to cast her eyes to the stars.
It was time to dream bigger. She has amassed a shipment of gun power and a ship. Adventure awaited.

Threads/events (optional): Anything cool with Renraku. They are evil so go wild making evil plots around them. She'd love to find out what has happened to her brother.

Concept/Inspiration for Echo: The Oni mask especially

Examples of tech she would carry on her:
« Last Edit: July 17, 2019, 08:23:59 AM by MintPlush »
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2019, 01:55:53 PM »
Space Rangers were added to the list of factions
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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2019, 05:01:23 PM »
Patient Name: Foderis Snydle               

Parents: Amanda Utro And Christopher Slydle

Patiend age:23

Sex: Male

Species: Folf

Date of birth: 24th of June

Place of birth: Reach City

Height: 175cm

Weight: 70kg

Attire: Red velvet shirt normally unbuttoned, black shorts, tool belt

Education: Patient has graduated top of his class in engeneering, robotics and IT. The patient took IBM in secondary school. Highly intelligent

Mental Health: [Expunged]

Additional notes: By other patients, Patient is described as Loyal, friendly, extroverted and funny. He is also described as manipulative, persuasive and impulsive when in a bad mood

Body and health: no prior conditions, no prior injuries or operations, agile and fit

Patient Biography/short description:
  Foderis Snydle, son of Christopher Snydle and part of the royal family of Sny, was a gifted young man.
His first steps in engineering and robotics happened in middle school, seventh grade.
He had took the robotics class, and instantly fell in love. With his creative and logic thinking, he was able to outsmart everybody in his school in the field of robotics and engineering in just a week, and won the national competition.
He had a bright future ahead of him, and could've surely became the next Tony Stark, but his parents had other plans.
On the night of 27th of April, when he was 24, his parents demanded that he became privileged and elite like them, and not like the pathetic engineers. They disapproved of many of his life choices, and this was their chance to tell him that. Christopher threatened that he would destroy all of his inovations and projects in 21:23.  They went out of their way to make him mad. This drove Foderis into snapping. He tried to kill his father, but was paralysed by the device he created.
He was sent into a mental hospital, and there he was kept under monitoring. He showed signs of improvement.
But one day, Foderis went missing. He was last seen entering the garden at 8 pm. He was carrying a note of some sort, some money and a backpack.
[A week later, Foderis was seen in the streets of Coruscant.]                                 
-Keith Ablow, Sny Family psychiatrist

Sighed By: Dr. Logan Nelson

« Last Edit: August 04, 2019, 04:55:20 PM by Noah Fulf »

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Re: Galactic Society: Everything You Need To Know
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2019, 04:32:09 PM »
Name/Alias: Edo Drex/Central
Specimen/homeworld/universe: human/Argon Federation/X-universe
Gender: male
Appereance: Edo is a guy in his thirty years old. Outside of his engineering suit, he wears a leather jacket and leather pants, along with fingerless gloves (what doesn't happen too often).
Skills/powers/weaknesses: his main power is his vast knowledge of robotics and artificial intelligence (his father had made). He can easily hack any robotic or digital platform or steal a ship if the one has any sort of AI. His engineering suit provides him improved physical power and protection (as well as from hazardous environments) by the cost of mobility. And a gravity gun (which uses Kyber crystals), attached to his left wrist, is his only offensive ability being without any weapon.
Affiliation: X-galaxy
Equipment: engineering suit
Personality: For most people, Edo is a weird person. Because if there something he doesn't understand, Edo smiles and thus makes people think that he is mad. And that is one of the cases when Edo smiles at all. Being serious all the time is his normal state. He thinks himself suave and debonair, though he is polite and respectful of others and is usually very patient even with belligerent strangers. If someone is in danger, he often jumps into the fray to save people, though generally after he makes sure of the situation before helping people, he would usually fight instead. Because of his past, Edo respects anthro people quite high. Therefore, he would do anything to make his furries friends happy and safe, even if it could mean his sacrifice.
Background: Edo Drex is a descendant of Kyle William Drex, creator of the Terraformer which is known in X-galaxy now as Xenon. Initially, the Terraformer were tool-level AI's – artificial intelligence, highly intelligent problem-solving robots, capable of self-reproduction, but without self-motivation. They were mere tools. That changed, when in Panagea year 2115 the Safe Self Destruct Patch, secretly modified by Dr. Marteen Winters, Chief Engineer of the Third Fleet and transmitted by #deff. The heavily modified Xenon Virus spread slowly, but steadily throughout all the Terraformers, and eventually gave them the capability to adapt – and evolve. Evolve well enough to turn against their creators. Kyle's son was born when The Xenon was on the top of their advancing into X-galaxy species territories, killing billions of people on their way. Edo' outstanding mental capabilities allowed him to inherit farther' knowledge about Xenon. Unfortunately, after a dozen of battles against them, it turned out, that it wasn't enough. Xenon' abilities of self-replication were producing machines way faster than X-galaxy forces were able to destroy robots. That is why after graduating from Argon Federation Space Academy, Edo' father ask his son to go outside of X-galaxy. Out of the galaxy were keys to deactivate the race of machine and deal with the deadly AI.
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« Last Edit: August 09, 2019, 07:16:39 AM by XIII »
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