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Author Topic: Meet the Staff - John Red Beard  (Read 9479 times)

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Offline John Red Beard

  • Moderator
  • Influential Ibex
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  • awards This user has been a forum member for over 8 years Top 100 Topic Starter Assigned to someone who is observed to be very friendly toward other members (frequently welcoming people in the Intro board, answering questions, etc.)
  • Posts: 741
  • Gender: Male
    • Fur Affinity
    • DeviantArt
    • Awards
  • Species: Lioren (Lion)
  • Coloring: Tan with auburn markings
  • Height: 6’ 4"quot
  • Weight: 225 lbs
  • Build: Tall, dad bod
  • Currently: Napping
Meet the Staff - John Red Beard
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:54:11 AM »
Hi all, I'm a new local moderator for the Artistic Stuff section. I've been a forum member for a few years, and a furry for many, many years. In real life, I'm a bit of a hermit, but don't let that scare you off. I'm pretty friendly, and I like being helpful.

* Do you have pets?
Yup, cats!

* What is your favorite color?
Green. Red is my second favorite. That isn’t the main reason I like Christmas so much, but it helps.

* What kind of music do you like?
An odd variety. My favorite artist is Loreen McKennit.

* What do you do on your free time besides spending time on FF?
Work, draw, sleep.

* What got you involved in FF?
I hadn’t been on any furry-themed social media in a few years and I missed it, so I Googled “furry forum” and it lead me here.

* Who do you admire?
JRR Tolkien

* Are you into sports?  If so which ones?
I’m generally not into sports, except for martial arts. I studied karate as a teenager, and more recently, I’ve dabbled in HEMA (historical European martial arts).

* What is your dream job?
Illustrator, author, professional napper.

* What was your first screenname?
JohnRaptor, on my AOL account that I opened right after Jurassic Park came out in 1993. *is old*

* Do you have any piercings?

* Are you a lefty/righty or ambidextrous?
Strongly right-handed.

* Do you have any tattoos?  If not do you wish/plan to get one?
No tats. I don't have any plans to get one. I've considered it, but I don't know what I'd get.

* Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each?
One older brother. Very good guy, not a furry as far as I know.

* What is your favorite website?
The Furry Forum of course! Although I probably spend the most time on YouTube.

* Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones?
The only game I’ve been playing lately has been Minecraft.

* Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones?
I used to play a lot of console games. I was a die-hard Playstation fan. But I don’t play much anymore.

* How many languages do you speak?  If so which ones?
Sadly, I only speak English, but I do like to invent my own languages.

* Do you drink?
Basically never.

* Do you smoke?
Literally never.

* Did you play hookey from class?
No, I was a square.

* Do you have a driving license?

* Do you own a car?
I suppose you could call it a car.

* Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily?
My body is always telling me I haven't gotten enough.

* Have you ever been on an airplane?
Several times.

* Have you ever broken a bone?

* Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear?
No jewelry.

* How do you dress?
Think lumberjack. Blue jeans and plaid flannel shirts, with a beard, of course.

* How many keys are on your keyring?
4, I think.

* What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up?
To bed around 10-11, awake at odd hours, because my work schedule its weird.

* How many hours a day do you spend in the computer?
All of them. At home, at work. Just… all off them.

* How many hours a day do you spend in FF?
It depends. I check it a couple times a day to see what’s going on.

* What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other?
It’s a toss up between diet Coke and coffee.

* What do you hate?
I hate hate, particularly closed-minded intolerance.

* What do you love?

* What is your religion?

* What is your hair color?
Medium brown, but my beard is reddish, hence the user name.

* How tall are you?
6’ 4”

* How much do you weigh?
Too much.

* What's the feature on FF you can't live without?
The people!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 02:58:02 AM by John Red Beard »
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