One thing Iv realised over my time with other furries...
How come furries are a lot more kinder than humans?
Iv met many humans who are horrible, who bully others and so on...
But Iv NEVER met a horrible furry.
Sure, Iv met a weird one or 2, ok maybe one was a bit worse than the other... but they weren't exactly horrible.
At my school...most people are judged by thier appearance...nice huh? (Im being VERY sarcastic) >
But anyway....what do you think?
An interesting thing my friend did to test this, was make a human account on imvu and go to furry public rooms as a human. First thing that happened was he was trash talked and told to leave before ever doing anything at all. He then went into his main account, which was furry, and went to human rooms. They did not have a problem with him and treated him just like any other person.
Alot of people on imvu who are furries claim that humans hate furries, this is not true. there are 6 billions +/- people on this earth. I doubt more then 1/6 even know what is a furry.
In terms of the internet there are always people hating just for the heck of it.
I say it does not depend on you being a furry or human. it just depends on the person. Anybody can be mean you just havent met a mean furry because your not on the recieving end.