"Kuso!" Flames cried out after failing to ascend the mountain. He sat down for a moment at the base of the mountain. That last fall had almost hurt, as he had been about a metre away from the peak when he had slipped and fell. He got up, inspiriation striking him. He visualised a horde of enemies covering the mountain, with a captive being held hostage at the peak. His righteous fury grew, as did his Ki, until he could contain it no longer. With a primal roar he blasted through the air, knocking the imaginary enemies flying as a great winds were whipped up from his speed. Before he knew it, he had reached the peak. "Yatta!" He yelled gleefully before he leapt off, falling to a less steep section of the mountain. He should get get going, as it he had promised to return quickly. He mentally smiled before running off, slightly worn out from his efforts, keeping his speed from reaching the level it had just reached, so as to conserve energy.