OMG don't go to hobby lobby for the markers!!! You'll get charged too much. Order them online from dick blick, or rex art, or
The thing about alcohol art markers is you have to have a ton of them to really get them to work right. So basically you need the Light, Medium and Dark of all the primary and secondary colors.. and if you buy them at HL they are like 4 or 6 dollars each.
If ya order them online you can get them for like 2 or 3 each. it's much much bettter to do it that way or get a big 72 set.
Here are some links.

Online:,,,, (if you are in Canada only)
The last time I checked the prices this is what is was.. but you'll wanna verify cause they often have sales or change the prices.
Best Price on Prisma Markers: $2.09 @ RexArt, $2.18 @DickBlick, $2.50 @ GsDirect
Best Price on Tria Markers: $3.60 @ GsDirect, $3.66 @ DickBlick
Best Price on Copic Sketch Markers: $4.46 @ Dickblick