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Author Topic: So, how do you do?  (Read 991 times)

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Offline MaineAgator

  • Vibrating Furby
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  • awards This user has been a forum member for over 3 years
  • Posts: 4
  • Gender: Female
  • Mention Comic Books, and you’ll have me hooked.
    • Discord
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    • Awards
  • Species: Alligator/Sea Monster Hybrid
  • Coloring: Pale Green, Lemon Yellow
  • Height: 4’10
  • Weight: 150 lbs.
  • Build: Short and Stocky
  • Currently: Pulling an all-nighter to finish my driver’s Ed course.
So, how do you do?
« on: April 25, 2021, 09:08:29 PM »

My name is Reny AKA MaineAgator. I had an account on here a few years ago, but I didn't really do much with it, and I kinda forgot my username, so here I am now.

I've been interested in the fandom for a while now, but have never really gotten the hang of interacting with other members. So I wanna try with a fresh start, and see if this time I won't be so shy and awkward.

Any suggestions, comments, critiques, tips, or just friendly chatter are welcome and appreciated. I am excited to get to know the community.

Also, is it normal for the forum to be a little glitchy, or am I just doing something wrong? I am having difficulties both in inputting my age, and in changing the forum to a lighter theme. These are not serious issues, but any help would be appreciated! :)

That's all for now!

 - MaineAgator
If anyone else is alive on here in 2021, it’d be nice to have some company...


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