Tezztor found himself back in the markets. People were still running about tending to the wounded, and crying and mourning the dead. A few of them gathered around him, weilding mundane weapons, such as rusty knives and blunt objects. "Killer! Murderer!" they shouted at him. They closed in around him. He simply smiled and drew his blades. "I no longer have the will to murder any of you, sstep aside and let me to my business or I will" he said simply. He had a debt to pay and no manner or citizens would stop him. Only a few backed off, the rest lunged at him. Through the mass screams could be heard, blood flew and moral dropped. Once again the place was in a uproar. He broke free and made his way out of sight to hunt again. "After thiss," he thought "I'm gonna find a quiet place, find a mate and settle down"