For a moment the kit's eyes sparked with hatred and malice, yet soon those thoughts subsided from his mind as he thought about it. So much had happened to himself too... so much had been in his past, he just could not truly care anymore for the past off others then he could for his own, and his own past had mostly been suppressed. He turned to face the person that touched him, his right paw grasping the creature's paw and flinging it off of his own shoulder. "Refrain from touching me, you don't look all that clean." His words had no malicious undertone, only a serious demeanor behind them, showing that he was not angry or resentful off the creatures, but at the same time that he did not truly see them as friends either.
His gaze turned towards the female, who seemed to be mocking him at this time, and a scowl spread over his face as he sneered. "You... shut up already, or one off us two will get hurt, and I doubt that it is me that shall be left bleeding."