One, shes a Moron[ curse word was taken out
]. The day our mom died she was more worried about how if she could still go to baton. Shes selfish. She thought our mom, OUR OWN MOTHER, died january 4th. Also 50% of my moms death is based on the stress ashlee caused her.
two, she trys to kill me and kiba. For instance; in december when we were driving up to orlando we stopped at a gas station. ashlee said something and pissed me off. I said something to her and she hit me( she was hitting me,dead arms, through the entire trip) Finally at the limit I went back there and bit her thiegh so hard it started to bleed. So the idoit screeches, hits my on the back of my head,kicks my face in, and hits my back. Whatever she did for some reason I was face down, suffocating, I couldnt breathe, move, or utter a single word. All I was doing was squealing in paine, suffocating. The lady didnt even help. she was compalining and saying i need to go to a mental asylum, kicked my back and punched my head. By the time my dad got back he wondered what the hell was going on. My face was entirely blue when he found me, I almost blacked out and possibly died.
Three, so many damn reasons.