*Kitt pulled a bottle of liquor from his jacket, giving a good slug of it into the soup....*
"come on now! if you where in a restaurant youd have another order coming in now! anyone ready?!"
*Kitt poured out the soup, a dash of seasoning and he rushed over to the main table*
"well done, umm, Kitt.... yes, well done indeed...."
*The course teacher, took a spoonfull and tried the soup*
"very good... slovakian if im unmistaken? yes, very alpine... and a certain somthing... phew thats actually quite strong, not bad, very good in fact... what did you add?"
*Kitt showed the bottle unsure whether the teacher would scold or shout or what*
"bloomin eck Kitt, thats bloomin 52% slivovica.... very nice though... you can expect a good report from me..."