"err... yeah... like there that looks like a cat xD or maybe a rollercoaster
Kitt sat up pulling out the silver balls, throwing then catching them.... well... he'd read the instructions... so all he had to do was....
He threw one ball up into the air, which, against all physics and logic caught in the air, spinning slowly... Kitt grinned to the other too as he threw the other two into the air... giving them a push they span slowly like some strange solar system.... plucking one from the trio he span it like a top, where it span in little circles, catching the light, emmiting a slight humming noise as it span...
"theyre toys.... thats why i picked 'em up... the instructions said their just for fun... you can... kinda control them with your thoughts.... seems fun =D "
Pulling one from the air he threw it up, higher and higher... the ball falling slowly as if through treacle, while the other two balls hung in the air, spinning around in a little pair... humming and shining...