"Looks like I'm going to have to get used to these changes, and the longer I'm around you, they might worsen."
"Is that a bad thing, I mean you look fine to me." "Umm... well... I guess not, but the fire breath is kind of creepy."
"Hmm... I wonder if anyone else has had some adverse effects?" "I don't know, but I would like to get some sort of measurement for what level of magic you have on you
"Huh? How would you do that ?" "It's simple really, just get some sort of item that does that for us, who cares what makes it work, as long as it's accurate and does the job right."
"Well I wouldn't know anything about that, I suppose since it doesn't do anything bad to me I don't care ^^." "Yeah, I guess I should do some research... *White goes over to the desktop computer in the corner of the room and opens Firefox going to furgoogle.com* I'll probably find something in about 10 minutes that works."
"Uhh... sounds cool? *Star turns the television on and lays back on the couch watching Discovery Channel." *White shakes his head and turns back to his monitor going through all the sites that aren't spam*