"Yes... Kitt, stop skulking at the back of the classroom, come up to the board and write out your answer...."
The teacher tapped his foot on the ground as he waited for Kitt to take the long walk from the back row, to the front of the classroom... A few wolf whistles followed him and one of Kitt's few friends at the school gave him a thumbs up.... Kitt rolled his eyes, his friend knew how much Kitt hated mathematics....
"well come on, you havnt got all day.... write out your answer...."
Kitt scowled, taking the board pen and trying to concentrate on the equation on the board... no matter how much he tried, his thoughts kept crawling back to the mechanics where he worked part time after school.... he had a truck he was working on at the moment, needed a cylinder in the engine replacing... which wouldnt take too long and....
"Kitt! could you write out your answer PLEASE"
Snapping back to reality Kitt looked over at the frowning teacher, and then back to the board....