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Author Topic: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!  (Read 1779 times)

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Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« on: September 24, 2008, 09:34:31 PM »
Well, I'm new to the world of furries, so I'm gonna need some help here.

I first learned about the fandom when I stumbled on a site called wikifur, and being a wikipedia fan I decided to explore a bit. It seemed really cool, I even drew me a few furries. Here are my questions:

1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff? Can you be a furry without liked R-rated drawings?

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?

3.) How are furries percieved outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?

Well, my current idea for a fursona is a stoat/ermine. She changes colors like a real stoat, y'know, with the different colors in summer and winter. I like mustelids because I can easily draw them, plus stoats are crafty and sly, I am also quite intelligent in real life. They are also carnivorous, I am drawn to carnivores because I like meat.
She has an earcuff in her left ear. Anything else I should do? how else could I personalize her?

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 09:39:22 PM »
1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff? Can you be a furry without liked R-rated drawings?
No you don't have to like yiff hehe, Some do and some don't just depends on you really.

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?
No you don't, I mean I cant Draw to save my life O.o

3.) How are furries perceived outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?
This one I don't really Get so I wont answer O.o

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?
and yes you can ^^ I have about four or five

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 09:40:57 PM »
It all matters on your opinion, most people see that all furries like the yiff stuff ( which is sort of true ) but unfortunately they do not see the others.
and yes

and to best suit your personality just match it up to your own and or opposite depended on your own opinion, its all up to you when you make a fursona.

I hope I answered all your questions
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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 09:42:23 PM »
Cool! thanks guys! I'm gonna like this place!
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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 09:45:16 PM »
I mean I cant Draw to save my life O.o

Lier! You draw amazingly well.

But back to topic.
I agree pretty much with Saber. And about number three, well... That's just different from person to person about how what they think about the fandom, so that's pretty much up to yourself.

But anyways... Welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy it here.



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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 10:01:25 PM »
Welcome to the FF!

1 & 2. There are no qualifications to being a furry.
3. It's your decision to make.
4. You can have multiple fursonas.

Feel free to just jump right in. Making freinds is incredibly easy here. ^_^


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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2008, 10:36:24 PM »
Yea some ppl are just more acceptive than others

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2008, 11:05:48 PM »
1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff?

NO, you can be a furry without likeing yiffy stuff (but there is nothing wrong with it)

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?

NO, you don't need to be good at art, or even like it, but the culture has many exeptional artists (after all, untill we find a way to actually look like our fursonas it's the only way to show what we look like >.< )

3.) How are furries percieved outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?

this is a case-by-case thing you kinda gotta feel people out to know how they will react, there is no blanket yes or no, but you should never be ashamed of being a furry ^.^

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?

sure, lots of people do

well, just thought i'd throw in my $0.02 on the subject to add to what was said. have fun on the forums, and remember to ask more questions if you have them ^.^

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2008, 01:28:01 PM »
hello there and welcome to Furry Forums and i hope you have fun.
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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2008, 02:22:17 PM »
welcome to the FF, because the other questions are already answer, i'll go ahead and put my personal put into the third one, since it might be handy to hear it from a non-fur too..

anyways, personally, i dont really care about furry art, i dont look at it, but by all means, let it exist, i dont mind. but when it comes to adult art, eehm... no thanks, i'd prefer not to see it...

then again, people complain over regular art too, but in those cases its mainly the fact that people think its weird, and you won't really get a lot of trouble for it... about making your art available to furries only, that's up to yourself, as your putting yourself up for a wider audience when you do it, with all the consequences it has... aka, more people will view your art, but not all of them will apreciate it because there are people who dont like anthro art out there, that problem won't be there if you make it viewable on furry websites only, but yeah, there will be less people seeing it.

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2008, 09:31:28 PM »
Welcome! I know you're questions were already answered.. but I'm bored so I'm going to answer them my way. :'3

Question 1 and 2 can be answered together: To be a furry.. all you have to do is see yourself as one.
There's a lot of different perceptions of the word furry.. but mostly it's just based around liking anthros or even just animals.
Some choose to call themselves a furry.. others choose not to. Some make fursonas and others don't.
You don't NEED to like or be good at anything to be a furry.. well I guess you'd have to like animals.. but yeah. xD

3. Most people outside the fandom are ill-informed. So most choose to keep their furreness a secret from those people.
It's your choice really.. You just have to be realistic and expect that you may get weird reactions. Some may find it cool..
others will find it weird or even crazy. So be careful if you decide to tell people or show them stuffs. >>

4.) Can you have more than one fursona? Of course. :'3
I have about 3 myself.. but I think it's somewhat better to have a main one that suits you most.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask here. ^^
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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 09:42:22 PM »
1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff? Can you be a furry without liked R-rated drawings?
No.  Not at all... it'd be quite weird if I did, considering I'm eleven.

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?
No.... but uh... it's one of my principles. XD

3.) How are furries percieved outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?
Do NOT show your art to non-furs.  EVER.  Furries are percieved... terribly outside the fandom.  Most of the time.

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?
Yeah huh.

Have fun on the forums, mate.

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 10:21:38 PM »
Well, I'm new to the world of furries, so I'm gonna need some help here.

I first learned about the fandom when I stumbled on a site called wikifur, and being a wikipedia fan I decided to explore a bit. It seemed really cool, I even drew me a few furries. Here are my questions:

1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff? Can you be a furry without liked R-rated drawings?

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?

3.) How are furries percieved outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?

Well, my current idea for a fursona is a stoat/ermine. She changes colors like a real stoat, y'know, with the different colors in summer and winter. I like mustelids because I can easily draw them, plus stoats are crafty and sly, I am also quite intelligent in real life. They are also carnivorous, I am drawn to carnivores because I like meat.
She has an earcuff in her left ear. Anything else I should do? how else could I personalize her?

1.] Nopers. You have a choice. It can be just plain clean or a little yiffy, or ALOT.
2.] Heck Nah. Some furries can draw good, some cant.
3.] Welll, it really depends on the people. Be cautious of your fandom to outsiders of it.
4.] Yes, you can. :'D Many tend to do so.

Yay for mustelids! :'3
Just make your Fursona as much like you as possible.
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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2008, 08:29:54 PM »
Im new to this site asd well so i dont really have answers i can only tell you about me
1 i love furry art and yiffy art
2 i am by no means an artist
3 there are some furry haters out there (ive never experienced it but ive seen some)
4 i was wondering the same thing
-new to this forum (explains my stupidity)

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Re: Hello! im new...and I gots me some furry questions!
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2008, 10:32:42 PM »
Velcome to tFF new one.

I see u has questions. Awwweeesommmmeeee

1.) To be a furry, do you have to like yiffy stuff? Can you be a furry without liked R-rated drawings?

2.) To be a furry, do you have to be good at drawing?

3.) How are furries percieved outside the fandom? should I show people I want to make a good impression on my furry drawings? Or should I reserve my art for other furries only?
Really its up to you. I do. lol I'm a proud furry and I dont care who knows it.

4.) Can you have more than one fursona?
Indeed you can.

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thats kinda sad. >.<  Enjoy your Stay! muhahaha


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