So uhmm... I've been hanging around the IRC room a lot having fun, making furry friends, a bunch of other stuff. =p
Anyhoo, it's not working right now, so I decided to actually make an account on the forum. Lesse... where to begin? I'm a bunny-fox; about the size of a rabit, bunny ears, fox tail, large hind feet, etc. I'm somewhat "new" to the furry scean, but really into it. =p I like playing games, watching tv, eating cheesecake; pretty much rotting away in a chair.

I'm probably rambling by now, aren't I? Well... that's me... kinda... I dunno. =/ But seriously, I'm a nice, timid character who doesn't like getting into fights or being hounded by perverts, which unfortunatly is hard to avoid... heheheh, blech... >_> I should stop typing now, but for some reason, I can't...
*sits and thinks for a few minutes*
Oh, I know what to say! Here's something weird about me: I don't like any music with lyrics. *hides in his burrow from flaming arrows* Don't get me wrong, I like listening to music, but it has to be the orchestral type...
What else should I say? I know I can use one of those character sheets to describe myself, but I don't like doing those.

Gah! I know what to say now! I'll talk about my fursona and why I chose such a weak lil' character. =p I can't explain why, but I like having a weakness that my friends can use on me(although I don't like it so much when they actually do use it.

). I like being pitied and having someone to protect me and/or be my guardian. Again, I can't explain why, I just do.
I also like cheesecake so feed me please!!