hey all, I'm Treemeadow
(Or Tree or Meadow or Treemo, as some of my friends call me

I've been in the fandom for pretty much exactly a year, I've been aware of it for longer, but was one of those mundanes who thought it was...you know...*whispers* a fetish....*
Anywho, I've been fairly acitve in the Australian community, making my base at Furstralia.org, home of Australian Furries.
But, sometimes, I feel a bit isolated, the aussie community is very small (but growing) and I'd love to get to experience more and more of the fandom.
I'm a dog, with marsupial somewhere in the line (Kangaroo, most likely, I feel an affinity to them). No particular breed, more of a mutt, but probably have a big slice of labrador in me, as well as Cocker Spaniel (accounts for the ears, which aren't lab like).
ya, das ist all.

happy to be here!