Did I talk on here yet...?

Alrighty! My furry story!!!
So it was about ... what, 12, 13 when I finally got into fanfiction, and for some odd reason, I was drawn to Digimon stories.
I kept reading them for awhile, and got curious and would occasionally browse for pictures on the interwebs. Probably not a safe idea, but nonetheless, I did and of course did find pictures of digimon and all of that.
Digimon, being anthromorphic animals, eventually led me to fur affinity, where I more or less began my slow trek to what I learned was known as 'The Furry Fandom'.
It should be noted I've always loved animals so much, and just cuddling against them, as well as the concept of transformation into animals. Animals have such unique and infectious personalities, and can do such amazing things.
Anyways, me just enjoying furry art from a distance for awhile, and then one day, a few months ago, I find myself thinking (it's related, I swear); wow. Am I bisexual?
I talk to my 'big sister' about it, and after much confusion on my end and uncertainty, she helped me figure out; IT'S OKAY TO BE QUEER AND WEIRD, But most importantly, yourself!
So fast forward a few more months, and I talk to another friend who really likes wolves. I tried to ask if she was a furry, but she instead explained that she mainly liked ginjinkas and all, though it was totally cool if I was a furry

! Sorta weird story, but she really got me thinking on this; just what is a furry? What do they do?
So one veeerrry late ... I think October night, I decide to pick up my ears, and browse around to see if there's a furry forum that wasn't fur affinity; lo and behold, I found TFF!
Now, as to why I'm a dog;
Ever since Freshman year, my big sis, who is perhaps one of the most awesome people in the world, took me under her wing; we'd met earlier at a lock in party a few months ago, and we recognized each other from the shared interests we had.
ANyways, she took me to hang out with some of the most awesome seniors I'd ever met, mainly because I have a more mature mindset, and I had a blast! THey started calling me 'Pup' from the way I always followed them around, and wanted to hang out.
It got me thinking just how much I really do act like a dog. Not to mention I had created a character named Alex for an RP group I'm in, and he really acted like a dog.
As one could guess, I just threw some fur on him, made him a real dog, alligned him a bit more with my personality, and voíla; Alexander Laetus, the furry Ryan Cowell!
That's pretty much it, I think! My story how I became, and still am, a furry.